The Best Trini 'Gordo' Garcia Quotes

Grady: Damn son, you're a fighting, fucking, drinking machine!
Wardaddy: Machine. That's it. That's your war name. I christen thee "Machine."
Boyd: Machine!

Boyd: You from Missouri?
Norman Ellison: No.
Trini: You from Chicago?
Grady: Nah, you're from Arkansas, ain't you?
Norman Ellison: No, I'm from Pittsburgh...
Grady: Hey, hush up, man, nobody gives a fuck where you're from.

Trini: Don might be crazier than a shithouse rat, but he's solid. We've been together since before Africa. I won't fight with anybody else.
Boyd: Me neither. There ain't no crew stayed together like we have, Norman. That's 'cause of him.
Grady: First time we got shot at, down in North Africa? Don done shit his pants full! He stunk up the tank REAL loud!

Trini: In France, we hit the beach right after D-Day and fought through all those fucking hedgerows. We finally broke out into open country. And bypassed all these Kraut divisions. We linked up with the Canadians and British and trapped an entire Kraut Army pulling back to Germany. We fucked them up. With planes and artillery. Dead Krauts and horses and busted up tanks and cars for miles. Miles. Your eyes see it but your head can't make no sense of it. We go in there. And for three whole days we shot wounded horses. All day long. Sun up to sundown. Putting down horses. Hot summer days. Ain't smelled nothing like it. The sound of it. Those fucking horses screaming. Black clouds of flies buzzing. Like being in a giant bee hive.

Trini: Hey! Hey, start shooting!
Norman Ellison: But what do I shoot at?
Trini: The Nazis, dumb fuck!

Trini: Vamonos, cabron, vamonos.
Wardaddy: Hey, you want to talk Mexican? Join another tank, a Mexican tank. This is an American tank, we talk American.

Trini: It's five against three hundred!