The Best Doug Corbo Quotes

Gail: Hey!
[Kicks Doug's hospital bed to wake him up]
Gail: Mr. Corbo, How are you feeling?
Doug: I've had better mornings.
Gail: We're here to talk about Alice McCloud.
Doug: Who's that?
Gail: You lock up the girl, you put her in the van, and now you bother to ask for her name?
Doug: Wh--What?
Nick: Who was she with you?
Doug: Her name is Eden. She lived next door. I didn't do anything. I just wanted to help her out. I called her this morning, saying she needed to go to the hospital. What else was I supposed to do?
Gail: Yeah, how did she get your number?
Doug: It's on the side of my van. The reason why she was sitting in the back was because she wouldn't sit in the front. She was afraid her dad was gonna see her.
Gail: Why did she want to go to the hospital?
Doug: She said her stomach was hurting, you know, cramps. I thought she was preg--pregnant.
Gail: Did you touch her?
Doug: No! I swear! Barely, I was seeing her! Her dad keeps her in the house all the time. I feel sorry for her.
Nick: So what's her father's name?
Doug: Jon. Please just tell me she's okay.