The Best Dr. Cate Milton Quotes

Dr. Cate Milton: We have a limited supply of medication and I'm not about to waste it.
Dr. Gregory House: Last I checked, you had a limited supply of doctors.
Dr. Cate Milton: Right before I got sick, one of my crew members severed his femoral artery. He needs the cefuroxime.
Dr. Gregory House: Right. He called dibs.

Dr. Cate Milton: [to House] I can do the physical. There's no reason you need to watch.
Dr. Gregory House: I can think of at least three reasons. One of them's medical.
Dr. Cate Milton: Where are you? Not in your office.
Dr. Gregory House: You're not in the hospital. No reason for me to be.
Dr. Cate Milton: I am not undressing for you in your apartment.
Dr. Gregory House: You're not in my apartment. You're three quarters of a world away. I promise not to get fresh.
Dr. Cate Milton: I'm not taking off my clothes.
Dr. Gregory House: One of us has to.

Dr. Cate Milton: How bad is the insomnia? Let me quantify that, do you drink two or three Scotches before passing out in front of the TV?
Dr. Gregory House: You are so far off. It's bourbon!

Dr. Gregory House: [to Cate as she does her physical exam] Slide your hand to your sternum, probe for nodes. Moving slowly downward...
Dr. Cate Milton: Down to what, House?
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. Can't hear you on account of your heavy breathing.
Dr. Cate Milton: I'm supposed to be on oxygen, you tool.

Dr. Cate Milton: Whereas you, on the other hand, have a perfect score. You are responsible, nice, human. And yet, you're House's best friend.
Dr. James Wilson: Hold there. Makes you think he's secretly nicer than he seems?
Dr. Cate Milton: Makes me think that you're secretly a lot less nice than you seem.
Dr. James Wilson: You always insult your doctors?
Dr. Cate Milton: It's not an insult. Indiscriminate niceness is overrated.
Dr. James Wilson: No wonder he likes you.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Cate] Wilson found signs of inflammation in your biopsy. That plus the two failing kidneys points to autoimmune disease. Probably SLE or vasculitis. Treatment for both is prednisone. Start with 100 milligrams...
Dr. Cate Milton: Autoimmune is just your latest theory. Like cancer before that, and a kidney stone before.
Dr. Gregory House: Take the prednisone. You'll get better. That'll be your confirmation.
Dr. Cate Milton: You practice medicine like it's a fire sale. You've wasted antibiotics, X-rays...
Dr. Gregory House: That was not a waste. We ruled out...
Dr. Cate Milton: We have a crew member here who has asthma. If he has an episode after I've used up the prednisone, he'll die.
Dr. Gregory House: There's a good chance he's going to die anyway since there won't be a doctor there to help him.

Dr. Cate Milton: I don't want to panic anyone.
Dr. Gregory House: You don't like people. You hide on that ice cube so...
Dr. Cate Milton: Stop projecting. You're anti-social, so you assume I'm anti-social.
Dr. Gregory House: [rolls his eyes] How about if I just get naked and you shut up?
Dr. Cate Milton: If I thought I could get you naked, I would've led with that. You'd rather show me your soul than your leg.