The Best Dr. Greg Miller Quotes

Dr. Greg Miller: The scans reveal Liz has what we call 'locked-in syndrome'. She can hear everything that's going on around her, but she can't move or communicate.
Sue: Right. But she'll get better, yeah?
Dr. Greg Miller: It was a very serious stroke. I'm really sorry, Boomer. But we've made her as comfortable as we can.
Sue: Comfortable? In the fucking psych unit?

Dr. Greg Miller: [Jokingly] I'm here to deliver the baby.
Vera: [to Jake] Greg Miller our new staff psychologist.

Dr. Greg Miller: No one's gonna hurt you Kylee.

Dr. Greg Miller: I just want to make everyone safe.
Kylee: She's not going to be safe, she's never going to be safe.

Vera: I'm worried about Linda Miles. She had some sort of a meltdown during the disturbance. I'm wondering if maybe there's some unresolved issues from the siege.
Dr. Greg Miller: Yeah okay. Thanks for letting me know. I'll talk to her.

Dr. Greg Miller: Linda.. Hey uh.. You didn't turn up to our session this morning?
Linda: I was busy.

Dr. Greg Miller: I should've left her in medical.