20 Best Pamela Rabe Quotes

Linda: Invoices, Governor.
[Puts them on the table]
Joan: Was there something else Miss Miles?
Linda: Word out is Franky Doyle's looking for a lagger. I just thought if there was someone, you might want to give them a heads up.
Joan: Do you really think that if I did have a source of information among the prisoners, I wouldn't give 'em a heads up.
Linda: No...

Joan: You've developed a sudden interest in gardening, Doyle.
Franky: It's the veggies, Miss Ferguson. I just love 'em. You know, home grown, nice and fresh
Joan: I'm telling you this once only. Any incidents out here and you'll be eating your vegetables in the slot. Understood?
Franky: Yep.

Joan: You're worthless. You're pointless. You're nothing.

Joan: I want an immediate lockdown.
Linda: Yes Governor.
[Into the radio as she's going out of the room]
Linda: This is sierra 6 to all units We are in immediate lockdown. I repeat, we are in immediate lockdown.

Joan: Money makes you tick... doesn't it, Miss Miles?
Linda: We don't have to talk. I'm happy to just stand here.
Joan: I'd like to make you an offer you do something for me and I will arrange for my lawyer to make a generous deposit into your gambling fund.

Joan: You fucked the wrong lunatic.

Joan: Four prisoners put themselves into Medical when they attacked me, - without provocation.
Vera: Let me guess... self defence?

Joan: She came at me with a fucking screwdriver.

Joan: I need gloves..
Vera: Black leather ones?

Joan: You don't owe them anything Jenkins. Its time you started looking out for yourself.

Joan: [Ferguson's last lines] Every child needs a mother.

Joan: [Repeating The line] Officer needs assistance.
Will: [Grabs Ferguson and screams at her] ARGHHH!

Joan: The name says it all: Wentworth Correctional Centre. It's written all over the building. It's on our name badges. And our employment contracts Think of it as a mission statement. Society has deemed these women defective and It's job to fix them. Not to pander, to befriend, to indulge or to accommodate. We exist to correct. Now, for three months these women have had it easy. Your instability has given them opportunity. They'll have established new systems and networks. Their confidence will be at an all-time high. Today that confidence ends. Today we shut their systems down. We stamp on their opportunities. We destroy their networks. Each and every person here will know their place. This is a prison. And WE are in charge.

Bridget: Joan find somewhere else to workshop your monologues.
Joan: Don't you worry, Miss Westfall, I'm sure your secret's safe with Vera.

Joan: The Name Is Ms. Ferguson. But you can call me... Governor.

Joan: You may think I'm crazy.
Linda: I figured that out months ago.

Joan: [to Jake About Vera] Just because you fuck her doesn't mean you know her

Joan: [concerning new inmate Bryant] Well, I must have made an impression then.
Matthew: I reckon you must have scared the shit out of her.
Vera: Mr. Fletcher!
Joan: I aim to scare the shit out of everyone, Mr Fletcher.

Joan: Franky Doyle has a habit of doing things you least expect. She is she is far too emotional for her own good.
Bridget: Oh, well. Better a surfeit than a deficit.
Joan: What does that mean?
Bridget: Well, a deficit of emotion, particularly a lack of affective empathy, would make you psychopathic. But that's not Franky. She uses empathy to her advantage.
Joan: You think so?
Bridget: And people are drawn to her because of it.
Joan: And does that include you?
Bridget: I think I've answered that question, Governor. Is that all?
Joan: Mm.

Joan: Was this prepared by the inmates?
Linda: No, Jamie Oliver