The Best Celia Ireland Quotes

Linda: Birdsworth here?
Liz: Yeah.
Linda: You got a visitor.
Liz: Who is it?
Linda: [Rudely] Do I look like your PA? Some detective they said.

Liz: [Sarcastically talking with the governor] We'll just ask Liz Birdsworth cause she's got a mouth like a foghorn.
[imitates a foghorn]

Franky: I told you to stay out of it...
Liz: No... You said make a choice. And I have.

Liz: Bea's first day. She was scared stiff. I tried to look after her
Sue: Yeah. I miss her.
Liz: Yeah me too...
Sue: And Franky and Maxie and Dors. And, oh, God
Sue: sometimes I feel like the whole world's just moving past me and I'm just standin' still

Liz: I think I fucked up.

Police: What this doing here?
[holds up a steak knife]
Liz: Waiting for a steak.

Liz: Hey, you okay love?

Franky: I told you to stay out of it.
Liz: No. You said make a choice. And I have.

Liz: Bea's first day... She was scared stiff. I tried to look after her.
Sue: Yeah... I miss her...
Liz: Yeah me too.
Sue: And Franky, Maxi, and Dors. Oh god... Sometimes I feel like the whole world is moving past me, and I'm just standing still.
Liz: Yeah, I know that feeling love.

Liz: [as the alarm is blaring in the background] Oh... I wonder what happened.
Kaz: Some junkie overdosed.

Sue: [Watching the news report] Hey, have a look at this!
Liz: What happened? Have they caught her?
Sue: No, but they fuckin' shot her but!
Linda: [Walking into the unit and goes up to the TV where the prisoners are] , Ah... Not long before she's back.

Linda: You got a visitor.
Liz: Oh. who is it?
Linda: Do I look like your PA? Some detective they said.

Erica: You heard of any more tension between Jacs and Franky?
Liz: There's always going to be tension.
Erica: So how do we resolve it so it doesn't happen again?
Liz: Well, there's three ways it can end: someone gets released, backs down, or ends up dead.

Liz: Then you take it one day at a time. And you find a reason to get up tomorrow, any reason Bea. Just find one.

Liz: Oh, you know that panic button by the front door?
Bea: Yeah.
Liz: Don't ever press it.

Liz: Yeah me too.
Sue: Yeah one more second and I would've jumped on him like a seagull to chips.

Linda: [Walking into the unit] Birdsworth?
Liz: Here!
Linda: You gonna fuck that kettle up, too? You're supposed to be at work unit. But you might wanna get changed first.
[Smirks and walks away]

Liz: I think he's dead...
Linda: Is this a joke?