The Best Dr. McKenzie Quotes

Dr. Mckenzie: And it appears that his underpants were put on backwards
Insp. Jack Frost: [Surprised] Backwards?
Dr. Mckenzie: Yes Inspector. Back to front.
Insp. Jack Frost: Makes it a bit tricky after a curry that.

[examining murder victim]
Dr: I'd guess from the obstruction in his throat that he probably choked on his own vomit.
Frost: Better than choking on someone else's vomit, I suppose.

Dr. McKenzie: There's one odd thing.
Insp. Jack Frost: Odd? That's what I like!

Dr. Mckenzie: And it looks like he choked on his own vomit?
Insp. Jack Frost: Well better than choking on someone else's vomit.

Dr. McKenzie: [to Frost] I'm a police surgeon, not a bloody smorgasbord waiter!