Top 20 Quotes From Bruce Alexander

[Frost has rushed to a river to rescue a teenage boy]
Supt. Mullett: Don't, Jack - You'll drown!
Frost: Yes, anything to please you, sir!

Supt: It frightens me, Jack.
Insp. Jack Frost: Hm?
Supt: I won't pretend it doesn't. Times like this you're fortunate you don't have any children or grandchildren.
Insp. Jack Frost: Oh, uh, well, there's always an up-side to every down-side, isn't it, so they say.

Supt. Mullett: All right, just send young Presley there.
Insp. Jack Frost: Oh, I can't. He's busy. He's got a body in the bed and a body in the croc.

Supt: I've had the press calling me non-stop. Having a demented killer on the loose is doing us no good at all.
Frost: Mmm, that's true. Not much fun for the victims either, is it?

Supt. Mullett: [as Frost is wading into a stream] Jack! You'll drown yourself!
D.I. Frost: [Sarcastically] Anything for you, sir.

Supt. Mullett: Of course, the irony of it all is that if the girl's mother had been twenty minutes earlier, that body probably would have remained in those woods for another thirty years.
Frost: That's the first thing that struck me, sir, is the irony of it all. I remember saying to DC Barnard as they carted Powell and his wife off to the morgue..."How ironic", I said.

Supt. Mullett: I won't have any investigation against the church that cannot be supported by a reasonable suspicion. A priest... You can't seriously suspect him.
Frost: I'm not prejudiced. I'll suspect anyone. Anyway, you know what the old saying is, don't you. The closer the faith, the closer the Devil.

Supt: If you ever forget your mistakes, you're in the wrong job.

Supt. Mullett: ...and, Jack, can we stay one step ahead of the press from now on?

Supt. Mullett: I've had a telephone call from the vicar of St. Paul's. He's very concerned about this outbreak of vandalism in the old churchyard.
Frost: I'm not surprised, sir. It's a very grave business.

Supt. Mullett: [Testily] You have no business giving him your word!
D.I. Frost: That's all right, sir. I have no intention of keeping it. I'm a bit like Tricky Dickie in there. I do things my way.

Insp. Jack Frost: [Picking up a white gavel from Edwards' desk] Oh, by the way, is this ivory?
Supt. Mullett: [Defensively] It was a gift, Jack.
Insp. Jack Frost: [Sarcastically] Not from the elephant!

Supt. Mullett: I think I might call a press conference to take the heat out of the situation.
D.C.I. Allen: I think the fire department's already done that, sir.

Supt. Mullett: One of these days you'll realize you need more than your well-known intuition in order to get results.
Frost: I used more than my well-known intuition, sir, at least in one of the cases I did - I used my charm.
Frost: It's a joke, sir, don't bother to work it out.

Supt. Mullett: [on radio] Although it's only a matter of some three days since the girl's body was discovered in the church crypt, my officers have been working around the clock to bring the perpetrator of this appalling crime to justice, and I can assure your listeners that an arrest will be made very shortly.
Frost: [listening at home] Oh, yeah?

DI: I'll sleep on it, sir.
Supt. Mullett: [Sarcastically] Do that. Perhaps the answer will come to you in a dream.

[first lines]
Supt: Uh, ninety percent of the form consists of questions requiring a simple yes/no answer; uh, a, a tick in the box. I-i-it couldn't be simpler.
[audience laughs]
Supt: Where no answer is possible or the section is irrelevant, you simply jump to the next, um, next, uh, relevant question. Uh, now I know there may appear to be rather a lot of pages...

[DS Toolan has discovered the body of a clown wearing a red nose, a red wig and white make-up]
Insp: Who the hell is that?
DS: [reading the clown's badge] That's Charlie the Chuckling Clown.
Insp: Well he ain't got much to laugh at now, has he?
[later, at the police station]
Supt: Who would kill a clown?
Insp: Oh, I dunno. Punch and Judy, maybe?

Supt. Mullett: He doesn't look like a rapist.
D.I. Frost: They never do, do they?

Supt. Mullett: [Slightly inebriated] Look, Jack, we've had our differences... of course, we have. You're a street cop. I'm one of those boring old farts who thinks about nothing but keeping the books straight. No, no, no need to deny it. I know what you chaps think of me, and to some extent, it's true. I've spent more time in college than I have on the street, and I'm...
DS: [Handing him a vodka and tonic] Sir!
Supt. Mullett: ...and I'll have to admit that when it comes to the practical side of policing, sometimes I'm out of my depth. Will you take my point, Jack?
DI: [Humoring him] Yes, yes, I do... absolutely, sir.