The Best DI Jack Frost Quotes

DI: Well done, Reid! I love it when I'm right!

[Frost and Shirley are having a blazing row]
Shirley: You want the shoulder to cry on. You want the sex. But you don't want to give *anything* in return. You're scared.
DI: [shouts] What the *hell* did you expect? What did you want? Me as I am? No? What then? Some nine-till-fiver who doesn't give a toss about his job? Someone who just wants to come home, go shopping and have a curry every Friday night? Did you think I've *ever* been that? Do think it's just lacking a good woman that keeps me working all hours? No. What's in here, Shirl, is what I am.
Shirley: It is not just your job. I can handle that.
DI: Can you? Can you? I wish *I* could!

Supt. Mullett: One of these days you'll realize you need more than your well-known intuition in order to get results.
Frost: I used more than my well-known intuition, sir, at least in one of the cases I did - I used my charm.
Frost: It's a joke, sir, don't bother to work it out.

Shirley: You're still getting into trouble, Jack?
DI: Why stop the habits of a lifetime?

Supt. Mullett: [on radio] Although it's only a matter of some three days since the girl's body was discovered in the church crypt, my officers have been working around the clock to bring the perpetrator of this appalling crime to justice, and I can assure your listeners that an arrest will be made very shortly.
Frost: [listening at home] Oh, yeah?

Frost: [Sarcastically to his co-workers] Cover up your animal's eyes and lock up your children - Mr. Mullett's makin' another one of his television appearances.

DI: Corruption leaves a nasty taste, doesn't it? You never know where in starts and where it stops.

[Frost's bossy sister-in-law has come over from America to attend his wife's funeral]
Marion: You're not eating your broccoli.
Frost: I don't like broccoli.
Marion: It's good for you.
Frost: Just so you know - I don't like anything green.
Marion: Well what vegetables *do* you like?
Frost: Grey ones.

Frost: [Sarcastically to Compton] Well, should we go inside, sir, or shall we have the interview al fresco?

Supt. Mullett: I've had a telephone call from the vicar of St. Paul's. He's very concerned about this outbreak of vandalism in the old churchyard.
Frost: I'm not surprised, sir. It's a very grave business.

DI: Once you get the scent of what human beings do to each other in your nostrils, you'll never get rid of it.

DI: [Motioning toward the station house] If you go in there, you'll find sgt. Brady by the front desk. You cant miss him... he's the one with the dead cat.

Frost: Get on the radio to the station, son. Tell Sergeant Wells we've found a body in the churchyard.

[woman protesting she had nothing to do with her husband's death]
Frost: I believe you. Or at least, I would have done had I not read the pathologist's report. Your husband suffered a severe blow to the back of the head, and according to the pathologist, he was unconscious *before* the fire started. So, apart from the imaginary Mr. Lawrence Tidyman, who else stood to gain by knocking your husband unconscious and leaving him to die in that fire? You think about it, Mrs. Compton!

[on Mullett's orders to catch graveyard vandals]
Frost: I've only got three blokes who can barely stand up, let alone chase a box of black magic!

DI: Coincidences like this I don't like.

Frost: [Sarcastically, to Mrs. Compton] You know what common people are like. Give us a drop of caviar and we're yellin' for rock salmon.

Frost: Do you know what gets right up my nose?
Sgt. Bill Wells: [Dryly] Hey, hang on. I've got a list here somewhere. Hey, hang on.
Frost: No, I tell you what gets right up my nose and that is people who go and live in America and after ten minutes end up talkin' like Katharine flippin' Hepburn. What's on? That's what I like about Scotch people, you know - emigrate all over the world as long as you like and still end up talkin' like Scotch people.