Top 30 Quotes From D.I. Frost

D.I. Frost: Terrible thing... unmissed... unidentified. Yes, but suppose he isn't missing. see what you're sayin'? I mean to be missing. I mean think about it. You live and you die, and the difference doesn't affect a single person in the whole world. It's as if you hadn't been here in the first place

[Det. Sgt. Frank Nash has been given a message to phone his wife]
Frost: Bit young to be married.
Det. Sgt. Frank Nash: How old were you?
Frost: I asked first. Twenty Four.
Det. Sgt. Frank Nash: Same as me.
Frost: Okay, lets drop it.

D.I. Frost: [to Mullett] If I read every piece of paper that landed on my desk, I'd never get out from behind it.
D.I. Frost: I't's the rain forests I'm worried about.

Sandy: [Having a drink at the bar] Are you willing to engage in casual sex?
Frost: Not with you I'm not.
Sandy: Would you consider having an affair with a married man?
Frost: Are you all right, Sandy, or what?
Sandy: Never better.
[Motioning for them to sit down at a table]
Sandy: Spare a minute?
Frost: I'm not sure I dare.

Supt. Mullett: [as Frost is wading into a stream] Jack! You'll drown yourself!
D.I. Frost: [Sarcastically] Anything for you, sir.

Supt. Mullett: He doesn't look like a rapist.
D.I. Frost: They never do, do they?

D.I. Frost: [Angrily] Then why are you letting Mullett take me off the case?
D.C.I. Allen: Because at the end of the day you're just a detective inspector, not King of Denton.

D.I. Frost: Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear! Nasty things seem to be happenin' all over the place.

D.I. Frost: Fingerprints? Not a CID problem. No, I want to know who he is... was.

Supt. Mullett: [Testily] You have no business giving him your word!
D.I. Frost: That's all right, sir. I have no intention of keeping it. I'm a bit like Tricky Dickie in there. I do things my way.

[Contractors' signs outside derelict houses]
Frost: "Gas off". "Water off". "Electricity off". All that's missing is "Sod off"!

D.I. Frost: [to Mullett] Oh, I'm a lucky man, sir. I get paid for bein' lucky.

[to WPC Holland, a new recruit]
Frost: Were you *born* cold-blooded? Or is there some sort of transfusion you can get on the NHS these days?

Frost: I'm Detective Inspector Frost. This is Detective Sergeant Nash.
Boris: You don't look like police.
Frost: When you get to CID, they let you wear your own clothes.

D.I. Frost: I tell you what, I don't know much about this business, but there are those who say that if you eat meat, then you shouldn't be squeamish about watching an animal being killed and cut up. Perhaps you'd like to show me round.
Gerry: I've got work to do, Inspector.
D.I. Frost: [Angrily] So have I! That's why I'm here!

D.I. Frost: I think that you two are the lowest forms of animal life I have ever met.

Kitty: Of all the cars in all the world, you had to bump into mine.
D.I. Frost: Yes, and that's the worst Peter Lorre impression I've ever heard.
Kitty: Yes. It's Bogart.

D.I. Frost: As you said, you're still alive, but the man who isn't you isn't so lucky.

Frost: I went to London once. Had to go and meet the Queen. She's a lot smaller than I thought she'd be, but, then again, size isn't eveything as we both know.

Mrs. Charteris: [Refering to a neighbor's apartment across the street] Sometimes they leave the curtain open.
Frost: [Sarcastically] Why don't you get a television like everyone else?

Frost: One of the golden rules of detection is if you don't find anything, keep looking.

D.I. Frost: I'v had nothin' but guns since I got up this morning.

Sgt. Hanlon: Can't win 'em all.
D.I. Frost: Why not?

D.I. Frost: Is it true what they say, George?
D.S. Toolan: Yeah?
D.I. Frost: The more you know about people, the more you appreciate dogs.

[Frost is slowly and silently going through a suspect's records]
Gareth: Look, are you going to tell me what this is about or what?
Frost: You're not under arrest, Mr. King. You're free to leave whenever you like.
[King gets up to leave]
Frost: What time did you get back today?

Frost: Mrs. Jarvis, if your son is a fruitcake, I need to know about it.

D.I. Frost: [to Wallace during car chase] If you get frightened, just close your eyes like 'm doin'.

D.I. Frost: [to Tara] I'll catch him. No one controls me. Ask my superintendent.

D.I. Frost: I was called away on urgent inquiries.
Supt. Mullett: I've heard that one from you too often to believe it. Frankly, your attitude on these occasions does you no credit. You're a little old to play the errant schoolboy.

Det. Sgt. Frank Nash: I can't imagine you livin' down here, Guv.
Frost: Why? Not crummy enough?