The Best Insp Jack Frost Quotes

DS: You can't win them all... not every case.
Insp: I can try.

[first lines]
DS: [on mobile] OK, panic over. He's here.
Officer: Morning, Sir.
Insp: Good morning.
DS: Morning, Jack.
Insp: Morning, George. What've we got?
DS: Mass grave.
Insp: How many?
DS: Three. So far, anyway.
Insp: Three! It's hardly a *mass* grave then, is it?
DS: How many do you want?

[last lines]
Insp: There was just so much evidence. I should have had doubts. It's my job.
Supt: When I was a constable I was called to a domestic. Husband and wife row. I asked the wife if she wanted to leave, but, uh, they'd made up. He said sorry; she seemed all right. I don't know if I saw fear in her eyes as I left or if I imagined it afterwards. She was dead the next day. Husband set the house on fire. I can still see her face. If you ever forget your mistakes, I think you're in the wrong job. I'll be here if you need a lift.

[DS Toolan has discovered the body of a clown wearing a red nose, a red wig and white make-up]
Insp: Who the hell is that?
DS: [reading the clown's badge] That's Charlie the Chuckling Clown.
Insp: Well he ain't got much to laugh at now, has he?
[later, at the police station]
Supt: Who would kill a clown?
Insp: Oh, I dunno. Punch and Judy, maybe?

Insp: This doesn't mean that we won't want to question you again, you and Mr Ray.
Jason: All Josh did was keep watch. I didn't want him to be involved.
Insp: He got involved the moment you decided to play policeman.
Jason: Well, you know how it is, Inspector. You can never find one when you need one.

DS: You're cutting things a bit fine, Jack.
Insp: You can say that again.
[finds recorder]
Insp: Ah. You scared?
DS: Me? No.
Insp: I'm glad someone isn't.

[last lines]
DS: I had no option but to let him go, Jack, believe me.
Insp: No, I know; neither did I. But he has forgotten one or two little things.
DS: Hm?
Insp: Well... coroner's inquiry, they'll tear him apart, won't they. Limb from limb.
DS: Who?
Insp: Well, the press; who else? And even if they don't, they will after they receive a copy of this.
James: [on recorder] No witnesses. The perfect confessional.
Insp: Sent anonymously, of course.

Insp: Even a clown has a mother and father,