The Best Dr. Smith Quotes

Dr. Zachary Smith: You can't do it can you? You can't kill the man without becoming the monster.

Monster: Haven't you made the doorway... too small?
Older: Not for me. But then, I'm not going, am I? The spiders didn't kill the girls. It was you. I just didn't let myself see it. You kept me alive because you needed me. Because I could build this for you.
Monster: Poor, poor boy. Did you think that I would let you go? After all that I have become? Look at me. I am no mere man.
[He takes off the clothes covering him to reveal a spider/human figure]
Monster: I am a god. Within these eggsacks lives a monster race of spiders. We shall descend upon helpless Earth. An entire planet on which to rule. An entire planet on which to feed! Time to die, *son*.
Older: I'm not your son!

Dr. Zachary Smith: Never fear, Smith is here.

Dr. Zachary Smith: Something you should abide by on this world or any other, never trust anyone. Especially me.

Dr. Zachary Smith: [reprogramming the future Robot] Let's try this again, shall we? You are the puppet, I am the puppeteer. Do try to get it right this time...

Monster: You should have killed me when you had the chance.
John: You know, you're right. I couldn't kill the man...
[takes out on of Will's science fair plaques as an improvised weapon]
John: But I can kill the monster!

[Why the others should believe his warning about the spiders]
Dr. Zachary Smith: Trust me, Major. Evil knows evil.

Will: [after seeing the old ship 20 years into the future] Oh shit!
Dr. Zachary Smith: A boy of your intelligence should never swear.
[Smith sees the old ship]
Dr. Zachary Smith: Oh shit. Indeed.

Dr. Zachary Smith: Major West, I highly recommend you never breed. That, by the way, is my medical opinion.

Dr. Zachary Smith: I'm a doctor, not a space explorer.

Dr. Zachary Smith: Black was always my colour.

Dr. Zachary Smith: It's the world behind the world Dr. Robinson. Lie once, cheat twice, and everything becomes clear.

Dr. Zachary Smith: Give my regards to oblivion.

Dr. Zachary Smith: [to Will Robinson] Let me tell you a lesson about life, kid. There are monsters everywhere... I know, I am one.

Will: Oh, shit.
Dr. Zachary Smith: A boy of your intelligence should never swear... Oh, shit.

Dr. Zachary Smith: I loathe children.

Dr. Zachary Smith: Like the drip, drip, drip of blood...
Major: You really need to shut up.

Dr. Zachary Smith: You'll forgive me if I forgo the kiss, my sleeping behemoth. But the time has come to awake.
Robot: Robot is on-line. Reviewing primary directives. One, preserve the Robinson Family. Two, Maintain ship systems. Three
Dr. Zachary Smith: What noble charges my steely centurion. Sadly I fear you have far more dire deeds in store for you.
Robot: Robot is on-line. Reviewing primary directives. Two hours into mission destroy Robinson family. Destroy all systems.
Dr. Zachary Smith: Now that's more like it. Farewell my platinum-plated-pal. Give my regards to oblivion.