The Best Will Robinson Quotes

Will: Can we cut back on her air supply so she's not so annoying when she wakes up?
Penny: Does he have to wake up at all?

Robot: Will Robinson! I will tell you a joke! Why did the robot cross the road? Because he was carbon bonded to the chicken!
Will: We've got a *lot* of work to do.

Will: [speaking through Robot] Mom says to get the hell outta there!

Maureen: Get the hell out of there!
Will: [speaking through the Robot] Mom says to get the hell out of there.

[as Will looks for parts to Robot's body]
Will: Relax, Robot. I'm going to build you a new body. Mom always said I should make new friends.
Robot: Oh, ha ha.

[First night on an unknown unfriendly looking planet they crashed on]
Maureen: Good night, John.
John: Good night, Maureen.
Will: Good night, Judy.
Penny: Good night, Will.
Judy: Good night, Penny.
Major: You guys have got to be kidding.

[Will, through the robot's holographic interface, sees the spiders eating the other injured spiders]
Will: Eww. They eat their wounded.

Will: Oh, shit.
Dr. Zachary Smith: A boy of your intelligence should never swear... Oh, shit.

Robot: It sounds like old morse code.
Will: What does it say?
Robot: Danger, Will Robinson, danger.

Will: [after seeing the old ship 20 years into the future] Oh shit!
Dr. Zachary Smith: A boy of your intelligence should never swear.
[Smith sees the old ship]
Dr. Zachary Smith: Oh shit. Indeed.

Penny: [to her diary] On this eve before she is torn from all she knows, kidnapped, hurled into deep space against her will, what thoughts fill the mind of the young space captive?
Will: Will there be boys on Alpha Prime? Whatever will I wear?

Will: [to Penny] Do they have a name for what's wrong with you?