The Best John Robinson Quotes

John: Have you noticed, you take to opposite position to whatever I say?
Maureen: Of course I do, we're married.

Major: I'm going to try to break us out of the atmosphere.
John: No, we don't have enough core material for that.
Major: Well, maybe if we catch one of the thermal...
John: No, it won't work. I *know*. We have to go... down. Through the planet as she's breaking up. We can use the planet's gravity...
Major: What?
John: To throw us ut the other side and back into space!
Major: That's insane!
John: I don't have time to argue.

Monster: You should have killed me when you had the chance.
John: You know, you're right. I couldn't kill the man...
[takes out on of Will's science fair plaques as an improvised weapon]
John: But I can kill the monster!

Major: It's working.
John: What?
Major: If we can't go around the Sun, then we go straight through it, using your hyperdrive.
John: If we engage the hyperdrive without a gate, we could be thrown anywhere in the galaxy.
Major: Anywhere but here.

[First night on an unknown unfriendly looking planet they crashed on]
Maureen: Good night, John.
John: Good night, Maureen.
Will: Good night, Judy.
Penny: Good night, Will.
Judy: Good night, Penny.
Major: You guys have got to be kidding.

[the Jupiter II is hurtling towards the Sun]
John: We're caught in the sun's gravitational pull. We're headed straight for it.
Major: Oh, really? Is that what the big round ball is?

John: There's a lot of space out there to get lost in.

Reporter: Professor Robinson, how do your children feel about traveling into space for the next ten years?
John: They couldn't be more excited.
[next scene]
Penny: This mission sucks!