The Best Dynasty, Season 2, Episode 19 Quotes

Hooker: Was she pretty, the other one?
Steven: Yes, she was from Georgia.
Hooker: Well, that doesn't necessarily make her pretty.

Alexis: Joseph's going to have a fit when he sees the mess I've made. Good!

Alexis: Hello, Fallon. I saw the light on and I just had to come over and talk to somebody about this terrible news about poor Krystle.
Fallon: Poor Krystle, you love it, mother. I mean, I don't like her being around here still, either, but at least I'm honest about it.

Blake: You're scum, Cecil. You're worthless scum.
Cecil: Listen to yourself, Blake, a two bit oil speculator who scrambled his way up out of a hovel into a grand house; posing as a good and great man; rendering judgment on those who he has no birthright to judge. You're common, Blake. Despite all the veneer, you're very common.