The Best Joyce Quotes

Harry: We're not rich people, and raising Tamara has been tough. She isn't like other kids, but I guess you know that.
Joyce: When they told us about their special school, it was like a godsend. Finally, she could get the help she needed.
Harry: Right after they took her, Joyce realized that she forgot to pack her favorite toy.
Joyce: I called them up right there and then, but no one answered.
Harry: [banging the table in anger] None of the numbers! It was all bogus, the whole school!
Joyce: Where have they taken her? Where is my girl?
Batman: I'm trying to find that out, Mrs. Caulder. Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything at all?
Joyce: Well, I heard the woman on the phone. She didn't know I was listening. She kept talking about the brain trust, like it was something important. The brain trust.
Batman: Tell me, where was this school they showed you?