The Best Bruce Timm Quotes

Jokerz: [Scab lands the experimental plane] Nice ride, Scab. Where'd you get it?
Scab: My grades were good, so my folks bought me a car.

Coe: Smoked 'em! Whoo-hoo!
Jokerz: Sure did.
Scab: But there's a lot of fat butts still to kick, J-Man.
Jokerz: Fat Ts' headquarters.
Scab: He can't stop us anymore, not with this thing.
Coe: Whoo-hoo!
Lee: All they had were some chains and tasers.
Scab: Well, they should've been prepared. Guess they were never in the Boy Scouts.

[searching for Wonder Woman - who has been turned into a pig - the Phantom Stranger knocks on a house door; a middle-aged husband answers the door]
Crimson: Pardon me, sir, but I'm looking for a pig.
Husband: [calling to his wife] Gladys, it's for you!

J: Who do you think you're talking to, old man?
[grabs Bruce by the lapels]
J: We're the Jokerz!
Bruce: [smirks] Sure you are.

Ted: [as his lair is destroyed after the fight with Batman and the Gray Ghost] No! My toys! My beautiful toys!
[sobs at being defeated by his own bombs]

[Dymer is busy breaking a Batman doll, when he notices the real merchandise behind him...]
Ted: Well, if it isn't the Dark Knight himself...
Batman: You're finished, Mad Bomber.
Ted: [giggling] Oh, I don't think so.
[Dymer launches a fleet of cars to surround Batman]
Batman: Time to put your toys away, little man.
Ted: I can't. You see, I need the money, to buy more toys! I love toys! They can play songs! They can dance! They can even eat money! Oh, boy, can they eat money - all MY money! And then I remembered an episode of the Gray Ghost, and I knew what else a toy can do: it can carry a bomb! It can hold the city for ransom! Oh, the power of the toy! It can earn millions, millions for the little old toy collector, me!
[lets out a maniacal laugh, but the Gray Ghost takes him down]