Top 20 Quotes From Rupert Thorne

Rupert: [Reading Harvey's file] Listen to this boys. Says here that when Harvey was a little boy, he was bothered by a bully. Everyday the bully would bug him after school, until one day little Harvey got so mad, he slugged him one.
Thorne's: Oooh.
Rupert: Of course, the bully ran away, which made little Harvey very proud. Until he heard that the bully was in the hospital.
Candace: That was some punch.
Rupert: That's what Harvey thought. Except the guy was in the hospital for appendicitis. But poor Harvey felt so guilty, he never showed his anger again. And that was the start of Big Bad Harv.
Harvey: [Stands up from his chair in anger] What do you want?
Rupert: Just a few favors from the D.A.'s office.
Harvey: You're dreaming.
Rupert: Otherwise, as a concerned citizen, I'd be compelled to give this to the press. After all, the people of Gotham have a right to know the kind of person... or should I say "persons", they've elected. So, what do you say, Harvey? Do we have a deal?
Harvey: [Dent's face roils with rage at this taunting as Thorne's gang mocks him, until he suddenly takes a strangely calm veneer with a sinister smile] There's just one problem...
Rupert: What's that?
Big: [Walks up to Thorne's face and frightens the crime boss who realizes he has unleashed Dent's violent alternate personality] You're talking to the wrong Harvey.

Arnold: Where's my son?
Rupert: What?
Arnold: My son, where is he? What have you done to him?
Rupert: [Stromwell throws him over a table] I don't know anything about it.
Arnold: [picking him up] You lowlife.
[throwing him up against a counter]
Arnold: You'd do anything to take over my city.
Rupert: I-I didn't touch your kid. I swear it, Arnie! You know I don't mess with family.

Rupert: He did *what*?
[tearing the phone line out and throwing the handset in anger]
Rupert: If he gives those files to the police, I'm ruined! We've gotta stop him now!
Candace: [the receiver to the tracker she gave Grace begins beeping] Grab your hat, Rupie, and your checkbook. Tonight may be our lucky night.

Rupert: [to Two-Face] At last we meet face to face to face.

Rupert: How much did he take me for this time?
Candace: 200,000.
Frankie: I thought we got rid of this guy.
Candace: Are you kidding? We created him.
Rupert: Six months of this is long enough. Spread the word; I'm putting out a contract. 1 million... no. Make it 2 million. A million dollars a face to the man who brings me Two-Face.

Rupert: From pinching pennies to rubbing elbows with the Joker! Not bad, Sidney...
Sidney: Please. Connections like HIM I can do without...

The: The tumor's pressing against the aorta, restricting the flow of blood into your heart. Normally, these things are benign and easily removed, but we can't do it here.
Rupert: I said no hospital! I've got enemies who would pay a fortune to make sure I don't come out.
The: Without the operation, you're a goner, anyway.
Rupert: I told you, if you don't do it here, it won't get done.
The: Forget it, Rupert. I'm in over my head.

Rupert: [Thorne's men have their guns trained on Batman] Now then, you were saying - ?
[Batman pulls Thorne in front of him]
Batman: I was saying, you'd better hope your men are very good shots. It's too hot in here. Let's get some air.

Rupert: You think you iced the Batman, huh? Heh heh heh... Not on your best day, Jake! I'd cover my back if I were you.

[Dangling Thorne high above the city]
Rupert: Wait! Stop! I'll tell you anything you want!
Batman: Did you order Spider Conway blown up?
Rupert: [manages a laugh] That loser? I wouldn't wipe my shoes on him! Conway's got nothing on me. Let him talk. He could've talked his head off. No problem.

Candace: You did very well leading us to your boyfriend.
Two: Grace?
Rupert: Now, now. She thought she was alerting the police. She wanted to save you.
Grace: I'm so sorry, Harvey.
Two: So much for control, huh, Grace?

Gil: Don't make this hard on yourself, Thorne! Step out where we can see you!
Rupert: Not even if I could, flatfoot!
Detective: Look!
[he points up to Thorne who is tied up to a pole and hanging upside down]
Commissioner: Don't you just love it when he gives 'em to you gift wrapped?

Rupert: [after Batman has broken through his greenhouse window] You'd better have the money to pay for that.
Batman: [Grabbing Thorne] Here's how it works, slimeball. I have questions, and if you have answers, I'll leave you alone.
Rupert: Oh, I got plenty of answers.
[Thorne's men run into the greenhouse with guns]
Rupert: .38 caliber answers.

Rupert: Frankie here says they found you snooping around my roof. Why? What are you trying to find?
Robin: Not what, Thorne, who. Somebody grabbed Harvey Dent out of Gotham Central Hospital.
Rupert: [roaring with laughter] Somebody nabbed Two-Face and you thought I did it? Oh, oh, that's great. I wish. I really hate that guy. He tried to put me out of business. I've been planning what I'd do if I ever got my hands on him again, and I'll tell you... no, better yet, as long as you're here, I'll show you. Boys, take the boy wonder here down to Gotham Gate Bridge and see how well he flies.
[his thugs stand Robin up]
Rupert: Thanks for giving an old man a good laugh, kid. Nice knowing you.

Candace: [about Harvey's breakdown] My, this guy is crazy.
Rupert: Yeah, crazy like a fox. That little tantrum probably bought him another 10,000 votes.

[last lines]
Rupert: [after learning of Candice's betrayal] CANDICE!

[Thorne tries to shoot Sid, but suddenly...]
Rupert: YOU?
[the Batman appears]

Rupert: [knocking out an underling] Candice, when Jake here comes 'round, tell him he's fired.

Rupert: So the famous Sid the Squid is merely a pathetic victim of circumstances... just how stupid do you think I am?
Sidney: Excuse me?
Rupert: Do you think I didn't hear the rumors about the third-rate stumblebum who took out the Batman? And now you say you accidentally made a fool out of the Joker? No one's that lucky OR stupid!
Sidney: But I am, honest!

The: What I want is to be a real doctor, Rupert, with a respectable practice!
Rupert: Is it my fault you lost your license?
The: I would've reported that bullet to the police. As I was supposed to. But, no, you insisted.
Rupert: You knew what I turned into before you took that slug out of me, Matthew.
The: So for that, I get to spend the rest of my life like this? I had much bigger plans, and you know it, you vulgar...
Rupert: Don't you ever talk to me like that! Me, who gave up everything so you could... so you could...
[groaning, he collapses, choking]
The: [to one of Rupert's heavies] On the table with him, stat!