The Best Scarface Quotes

Scarface: I thought you'd want a chance to get even with the Vreelands. Not just for yourself, you understand, but for all those poor little stuffed animals, what never had a chance to fight back.
Selina: Oh, barf.

Arnold: Excuse me, Mr. Scarface, but isn't it cruel to take advantage of that nice Ms. Kyle?
Scarface: Hold my hat, will ya?
[the Ventriloquist takes Scarface's hat off, and conks himself in the head]
Scarface: Bam!
Arnold: Ow!
Scarface: That's what ya get for goin' soft on me.
Arnold: Yes, sir.

[the Arkham inmates are too scared to testify against Lyle Bolton]
Bruce: Well then, based on todays testimony, I propose extending Mr. Bolton's contract for an additional 18 months.
Arnold: No! You can't! You don't know what he's doing to us!
Scarface: Shut up! Don't listen to jerkface here! He don't know what he's saying!
Harley: [pounds Scarface's head in] No! It's all true! If we don't speak up now, we'll *never* get another chance! He threatens us! Takes away our privileges! Even when we're good!
Lyle: We've heard enough of this nonsense.
The: He says scum like us must be kept in line. That's why he chains us down at night, and electrifies our doors!
Scarface: He held me over a can filled with termites, ya hear me? TERMITES!
Harley: He's an animal!
Arnold: A monster!
The: Keep him away!
Lyle: Shut up! All of you!
[after a struggle between Bolton and the orderlies, he rushes to kill the inmates, only to be tripped by Wayne. He again is restrained by them]
Lyle: You're all scum! You should be beaten within an inch of your misbegotten lives!
Dr. Bartholomew: I've seen enough!
[bangs gavel]
Dr. Bartholomew: Lyle Bolton, you're dismissed!

Scarface: Now we're gonna found out if there really is more than one way to skin a cat.

Scarface: Court is now in session! The Good People of Arkham Asylum vs. the self-righteous vigilante called Batman! Our prosecutor is ready, likewise our fair and impartial jury!
The: Hang him!
Harley: Shoot him!
Killer: Hit him with a rock!
Scarface: And now, all rise for the most honorable, most benevolent, most merciful Judge Joker!
The: [bangs gavel] Guilty!
D.A. Janet Van Dorn: I was promised a chance to defend my client!
The: Oh, very well. Like it'll make a difference.

Scarface: You know, I never had much use for animals, except Rhino here.
Rhino: Thanks, boss.
Scarface: Then it hit me. Some rich geeks will pay big bucks for critters they can't go out and shoot no more. You know what these things are worth dead?
Catwoman: More than my life, I bet.
Scarface: You win, kitten. I needed a dummy to keep the cops busy while I grabbed the stiffs.
Catwoman: So you conned me into that phony jewel robbery.
Scarface: Too bad for you you figured it out.

Scarface: Hoo-hoo! She's a live one!
Selina: In two seconds, that'll be more than I can say about you.

Janet: And so it's Batman's fault you lead a life of crime.
Poison: He should have let me bump off Harvey Dent. We'd all have been better off, wouldn't we, Harve?
Two: [grumbling under his breath] Why, you rotten little... I'll...
Janet: But, Ms. Isley, isn't the real motivation for your crimes your obsession with plants? That you prefer them to people?
Poison: I love plants, honey, but a rose is a rose.
Janet: Then it doesn't bother you when someone - let's say the judge here...
[yanking the flower from Joker's lapel]
Janet: ...ruthlessly plucks a defenseless flower from the warm, green earth.
Poison: No.
Janet: Even knowing he's given it his death sentence?
[plucking petals as she talks]
Janet: That its petals must die?
Poison: Stop it!
Janet: One by one, withering falling, one by one, until it's all gone... honey.
Jervis: [as Ivy leaps in attack, he and Scarecrow pull her off] Ms. Ivy, please!
Scarface: You're beautiful when you're angry.

Scarface: [as the Joker aims a gun] Hold on, you'll hit Croc!
The: What's your point?

Scarface: That's right, Penguin. I got your bird, just like I promised. Of course, it'll cost you extra. Hey, you don't want it, fine. I can always use it for pillow stuffing. Ah, see there? I knew you'd be reasonable. While I got you on the horn, can I interest you in a Tazmanian tiger? A steal at only two mil.
[hearing Selena's cat Isis meow]
Scarface: No, huh? That's okay. I got a client dyin' to get her paws on it.

Scarface: The guard's puttin' the cat out like I planned. Catwoman should have all the time she needs to lift the jewels and split.
Catwoman: [inside] This one's for the Vreelands.
Scarface: But plans can change, can't they, Rhino?
Rhino: [snickering] Right, boss.
[he fires a flare through the museum window]

Scarface: My boys happened to be in the museum when they saw your little set-to with Ms. Ronnie V. They also seen you licking your whiskers at the sight of Ronnie's pretty sparklers.
Selina: You're boring me, log.

Scarface: Get me out of here! Hurry! Hurry!
Arnold: [Catwoman snatches Scarface with her whip] Oh, no!
Catwoman: Oh, yes.
Scarface: Put me down!
Catwoman: [throwing him away] Sure.
Scarface: AAAAAH!
[landing on conveyor belt]
Scarface: Uh-oh.
Arnold: Mr. Scarface!
Catwoman: [tripping him] Let's let the chips fall where they may.
Scarface: Get me off of here! Dummy, help me!

Arnold: [as court bailiff, very quietly] Oyez, oyez...
[the Arkham inmates continue jabbering]
[to Ventriloquist]
Scarface: Sheesh! I gotta do everything for you!

Scarface: Dummy, don't keep our pretty guest in the dark.
Arnold: Yes, sir, Mr. Scarface.
Scarface: [the lights turn on] Ah, that's better.
Selina: [gasping] You've gotta be kidding.
Scarface: [she starts laughing] What's she laughin' at? My fly ain't open, is it?
Arnold: No, sir.
Scarface: So what's the gag?
Selina: [still laughing] Oh, come on, you know.
[pantomiming a ventriloquist act]
Selina: "What's the gag?"
Scarface: Can it, sister! This is Scarface you're dealin' with, and I don't stand for no disrespect.
Arnold: I'd do as he says, ma'am. Mr. Scarface can be quite insistent.
Scarface: I don't think anyone's talkin' to you!
Arnold: No, sir.