30 Best Poison Ivy Quotes

Irving: Okay, okay!
[changes the channel]
Irving: You'll watch this quietly, or you go back to your cell.
The: Jawohl!
Poison: [sulking] I don't care.
[Joker sidles up to her]
The: You hold my hand, and I'll slug you.
Poison: GUARD!
The: Just kidding, just kidding! Yeesh, Pammy, lighten up!

[last lines]
Summer: [on the news] And so it ended for *ex*-billionaire Cameron Kaiser, and the Joker...
The: Bah! Enough of this rubbish!
[changes the channel]
Poison: Hey! We were watching that!
[nervously, Joker changes it back]
The: [muttering] Ah, you miserable wet tub of no-good losers, you make me sick...

Poison: Enjoy extinction, Batman!
Batman: I'm not going alone.
[he holds up the rose plant]
Poison: No!
Batman: The bottle for the weed. What's it gonna be?
[Ivy drops the bottle in front of Batman then grabs and cuddles the rose]
Poison: Oh, my baby. My precious baby.

Poison: [after Batman tries to spit out the poison from her kiss] Aw what's the matter Batman, do I have cooties?

[the Joker wins the poker game]
Poison: Awww...
Two: No way!
Killer: Forget this!
The: Let me see those cards!

Poison: Of course, I have the patience of a redwood.
Batman: And the convictions of a fanatic!

Harley: [robbing the same museum as Poison Ivy] Nice work, butterfingers. Why didn't you just turn on the Bat-Signal while you were at it?
Poison: I wasn't trying to get caught.
Harley: Could have fooled me.

The: Hoo! Ha ha ha ha! Look at the goodies.
Poison: That's ours, you louse!
The: Oh, Pammy, I wouldn't leave you empty-handed. Since you like flowers so much...
Harley: Oh, puddin', no!
The: [pushing her away] You can have mine!
[spraying the flower on his lapel into her face]
Harley: Oh! Red!
Poison: [coughing, then laughing] It doesn't work on me.

Harley: You'd think after living with Mr. J, I'd be used to a little pain.
Poison: Why do you put up with that clown?
Harley: Don't get me wrong. My puddin's a little rough sometimes, but he loves me, really.
Poison: Sure he does. You're just one big forgiving doormat, aren't you?
Harley: I am not a doormat. Am I?
Poison: If you had a middle name, it would be "Welcome".

The: My, haven't you been the busy little bees?
Harley: Puddin'?
The: You were out, so we just made ourselves at home. Hope you don't mind.
Harley: You found me!
Poison: So much for self-esteem.

Bruce: What do you have, Alfred?
Alfred: Well, sir, Ms. Isley is a research chemist with Chez Gerard, the cosmetics firm. She works on the development of new fragrances. Their newest is a perfume called Nightshade.
Poison: [he plays a commercial] It's deadly.
Alfred: Ms. Isley has a PhD in botany from Gotham University, where she offers a monthly lecture series on endangered and extinct plant species.
Batman: [suiting up] I think Harvey's engagement is off.

Poison: [talking to her rose] They can bury me in the ground, as deep as they like. But I'll grow back. We always grow back. Don't we, baby?

Poison: Crazy...!
The: I know you are, but what am I?

[Batman is lashed to a wooden table]
Poison: Admit it, darling, you didn't think two women were capable of bringing you down.
Batman: Man or woman, a sick mind is capable of anything.
Poison: A very enlightened statement, Batman. We'll carve it on your headstone.
Harley: [pushes him into the toxic water] Aloha, sucker!

Poison: Batman. A late night rendezvous? To what do I owe the honor?
Batman: Harvey Dent.
Poison: Oh, the poor district attorney. I hear he's not expected to live. It's so sad.
[feigns crying which turns to maniacal laughter]
Batman: Why, Isley?
Poison: Oh please. Call me "Poison Ivy". You see, Harvey had to pay for his crime.
Batman: What crime?
Poison: Why, murder, of course. Plowing up a field of beautiful wildflowers for that silly penitentiary of his. This little rose would be extinct today if I hadn't saved my precious from those horrible bulldozers. The blood of those flowers are on his hands!
[calms down and smooths hair]
Poison: So his fate was sealed...
[applies lipstick]
Poison: ... with a kiss. And now so is yours.

Poison: No man can take us prisoner!
[a gunshot blows the tire of their car, which skids to a stop. Montoya approaches and levels a shotgun]
Officer: All right, ladies... raise 'em.

[Ivy incapacitates Batman with poison gas on Halloween]
Poison: [reaching down to pull Batman's mask] It's midnight darling, time to unmask.

Poison: This spray is triple-strength, Batman. It will start the transformation without any preliminaries.
[seeing he's not affected]
Poison: He should be sprouting leaves by now.
Batman: [breaking out of his restraints] You made your secret too accessible, Ivy. I coated my outfit with an herbicidal antidote.

Killer: You'd think one of us would've got 'im by now...
The: I've come the closest.
Poison: Are you kidding? I was the one who nearly...
Two: [pounds the table] Nobody's come closer to stopping the Batman than ME!
[a squabble breaks out, which the Joker ends with a whistle]
The: The fact is each of us has their own "almost got 'im" story to tell...

Dr. Pamela Isley: There are laws against spying on people.
Batman: There are laws against poisoning them, too.
Dr. Pamela Isley: Look around, Batman. I've got a nice house, a little garden, and a family that loves me. Why would I jeopardize that? For the first time in my life, I'm happy.
Batman: I'm beginning to think you're right.
Dr. Pamela Isley: [he turns to leave] Batman? Good luck.
Batman: You, too, Mrs. Carlyle.

Poison: You go after the wrong people, Batman.
Batman: Poison Ivy. Only you would identify yourself with Demeter, the Greek goddess of plants.

[first lines]
[Poison Ivy watches a gardening show, then the Joker strides in and changes the TV channel]
Poison: Hey! I was watching that!
The: And now you're watching this.
Poison: Change it back!
The: [goofy voice] Uh-huh, nope, nope, nope, nope, don't want to.

[an enraged Joker has to be subdued by guards]
Poison: Oh, Joker... thanks for the smile.
[the Joker glares angrily at Ivy before he is bundled out of the rec room]

Poison: I hope you realize we're on a toxic waste dump? I'd say you've got about ten minutes to clear out before the fumes do you in.
Rocco: [gagging and spitting out his food] She's right, boss. I'm feeling kind of... sick.
The: Hold it in, Rocco! I'm only staying long enough to collect what's mine.

Batman: I figured whatever you were up to involved plants, so I pumped your water tanks with herbicide.
Poison: What was the tip-off, Batman? Steven's kids?
Batman: You couldn't replicate them as girls. Not with Carlyle's DNA. So you took your chance with boys.

Two: Poison Ivy.
Poison: It's been a long time, Harvey. You're still looking around halfway decent.
Two: Half of me wants to strangle ya.
Poison: And what does the other half want?
Two: To hit ya with a truck.
Poison: We used to date.
The: Ah.

Batman: Someone is poisoning and robbing wealthy young men. As painful as it sounds, all clues point to your wife.
Dr. Steven Carlyle: That's outrageous. Pamela hasn't...
Dr. Pamela Isley: Darling, please. Batman, I don't doubt that I was your first and probably only suspect. Over the years, you and I have had a rather intense relationship. But that's all in the past. Believe me, I look back on what I was, and I shudder. Locked away in Arkham with the obsessed and the insane, and me just as lost as any of them. And then I met Steven. His love and guidance brought me into the light again.

Janet: And so it's Batman's fault you lead a life of crime.
Poison: He should have let me bump off Harvey Dent. We'd all have been better off, wouldn't we, Harve?
Two: [grumbling under his breath] Why, you rotten little... I'll...
Janet: But, Ms. Isley, isn't the real motivation for your crimes your obsession with plants? That you prefer them to people?
Poison: I love plants, honey, but a rose is a rose.
Janet: Then it doesn't bother you when someone - let's say the judge here...
[yanking the flower from Joker's lapel]
Janet: ...ruthlessly plucks a defenseless flower from the warm, green earth.
Poison: No.
Janet: Even knowing he's given it his death sentence?
[plucking petals as she talks]
Janet: That its petals must die?
Poison: Stop it!
Janet: One by one, withering falling, one by one, until it's all gone... honey.
Jervis: [as Ivy leaps in attack, he and Scarecrow pull her off] Ms. Ivy, please!
Scarface: You're beautiful when you're angry.

Poison: And I thought you believed in justice!
Batman: Justice, yes. But not the vengeance of an eco-terrorist. You're as destructive as those you punish.

Robin: Lady, you're nuts!
Poison: Well, that's your opinion. Probably the last one you'll ever have, too.