Top 20 Quotes From Summer Gleeson

Mayor: What just happened was an isolated incident. There are just a few rotten apples giving an otherwise peaceful community a bad name.
Summer: Do you include Batman in those "rotten apples", mayor?
Mayor: Absolutely. He and criminals like the Joker are cut from the same cloth.
The: [Watching the News Report] What? Compare me to Batman? I've got more style, more brains, I'm certainly a better dresser!

Summer: [reporting on Poison Ivy] Next up on "Gotham Insider": she's gorgeous, she's deadly, and she's back in town. Once again...
Lyle: Look at the way these monsters have turned into heroes. It all starts with the permissive, liberal media.

[interviewing Kaiser about the "Joker's Wild" casino]
Summer: Mr. Kaiser, why build a casino seemingly in honor of one of history's greatest outlaws?
Cameron: Summer, please! The Joker is a classical symbol, long associated with cards and games. We can't help it if there's some passing resemblance to some criminal fruitcake...
[Joker hurls a potted plant into the television]
The: How dare that smug, preening fool try to cash in on my image!
Dr. Pamela Isley: Now who should lighten up?
The: Don't get cute with me, Red! He's ripping me off! I'll protest! Yeah, I'll sue! Then I'll rip his lungs out! And I will, too.

Fat: I'd like to ask Mr. Daggett about the rumors I've heard. I hear he's selling Renuyu through direct marketing because stores won't carry it due to it's harmful side effects.
Roland: Well, that's, uh, absolutely untrue.
Fat: What about the addictive properties of Renuyu, Mr. Daggett? Once you're hooked, you can't stop using it without horrible pain.
Roland: No! I mean... That's just not so!
Fat: Why don't you show them what an overdose can do, Daggett?
[in Clayface's voice]
Clayface: Why don't you tell them about me?
[transforms into Clayface]

[Joker has three hostages tied up, and introduces them on his special as "The Awful Lawful Family."]
The: Meet... Daddy Lawful!
[He takes out the candy cane gagging Gordon]
Commissioner: YOU DISEASED MANIAC! I'LL...!
The: [sticks the cane back in] Looks like someone needs to teach Daddy some manners. And here's Mommy Lawful!
[takes out the cane gagging Summer]
The: [sticks it back in] Ho, ho, ho, isn't she jolly.
[He comes to Bullock, dressed in an oversized baby outfit]
The: And here we have little Baby Lawful!
[tickles his chin]
The: Coochie-coochie coo!
[takes out the cane]
[Joker puts the cane back in]

Summer: Mr. Bolton, any comments about your dismissal and the charges of extreme behavior?
Lyle: This city is an open wound begging to be stitched.

The: [planning to blow up a bridge] Oh, look, Laffy, Mommy Lawful has something to say.
[as Laffy, his "ventriloquist dummy"]
The: What's up, Mommy?
Summer: My mother's on that train.
The: Your mother? Well, that's different, then.
[as Laffy]
The: Yeah. It'll be even more exciting when it crashes.

Summer: And what of the mysterious Batgirl? Who is she and where has she vanished to? Any thoughts?
Commissioner: As far as I'm concerned, she's as welcome in Gotham City as the Batman.
Dick: How do you think Batman will feel about that?
Bruce: I suppose there's always room for one more. And I have a feeling we'll see her again.
Barbara: I wouldn't be at all surprised.

Summer: [discovering Bullock rummaging in her office] Aren't you a piece of work!
Detective: You gotta help me, Gleeson. I need to find Vinnie the Shark.
Summer: You wanna find a shark? You can jump in Gotham Bay! You've blown it big-time, Bullock. Don't ever come to me again.
Detective: Summer, cut me some slack. This guy's lookin' to whack me.
Summer: Look on the bright side: you'll make the 6:00 news.

[after Bruce escapes his bonds, he rises and confronts Kyodai]
Kyodai: Oh, really.
[They circle each other. Bruce throws a self-conscious glance at Summer - and Kyodai throws him across the room]
Kyodai: You're getting soft, Wayne. Even a white belt could avoid that throw!
[throws him again]
Kyodai: Tired already, Wayne? I haven't even broken a sweat yet. GET UP!
Robin: [watching from above] Come on, Bruce...
[another throw]
Summer: Stop it! Can't you see he's no match for you?
Kyodai: He never was.
[one last throw]
Kyodai: I've had enough exercise for one evening. Now it ends, Wayne.
[Robin throws a ball bearing with a sling. Instead of hitting Kyodai, it hits a carpet roll above Summer's head, which rolls down over her eyes]
Summer: Hey!
[Bruce attacks Kyodai, throwing him across the room]
Robin: Yes!
Kyodai: Gotten a second wind, have you? Good! This will make your defeat all the more satisfying.
Bruce: Shut up and fight.
[Kyodai attacks. Bruce defends, then throws him again, following up with a flying kick]
Bruce: You were right about one thing, Kyodai - now it ends.
[Kyodai grabs a statue, hurls it through the window, and escapes]

Cameron: [cutting the ribbon] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, one and all... to Joker's Wild!
The: Say *what*?
Summer: Ugh, that's disgusting!
Cameraman: [whispering] Psst, Summer! We're on the air!
Summer: Oh! Uh... there you have it! Let's get a reaction from the crowd. Mr. Wayne?
Bruce: [equally nauseated] No comment...

Summer: Mr. Wayne, Mr. Wayne! Do you have any idea why someone has been robbing and sabotaging your businesses? Two buildings burned down, another blown up. This one's computer system's wrecked.
Commissioner: Miss Gleeson, how do you know that?
Summer: A good reporter has sources, Commissioner. Any comments, Mr. Wayne?
Bruce: [to Commissioner Gordon] If you'll excuse me.
[walks away]
Summer: Hmph! You can't ignore the press, Mr. Wayne!

Summer: Tell me Detective Bullock, how does it feel to be formally cleared of all charges now that Killer Croc "Morgan" has been arrested?
Det. Harvey Bullock: I just want all the scumbuckets and dirtbags in this town to know they better lay low, cos Bullock's back and ready to kick butt!

Summer: I'm here in downtown Gotham, where corporate CEOs have gone stark raving mad. It would appear that the collapse of the stock market is now imminent. The question is, will April Fool's Day mark the end of Gotham City as we know it?
The: [turning off the TV] The only things gaining now are the laughingstocks.

Summer: [Batman has shattered Freeze's helmet with a canister of hot chicken soup] What was that stuff?
Batman: The only way to fight a cold.

Summer: Since when are you interested in has-been actors?
Batman: Since that one's been kidnapping her co-stars.
Summer: You're serious?
Batman: She's been picking them off one by one. Any reason she'd have a grudge?
Summer: Actually, they should hate her. Dahl put them all out of work when she quit the series to become a dramatic actress.
Mary: [showing them a tape of her performing in "Macbeth" on stage] What? Will these hands never be clean? Here's the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Ohh... ohh... ohh...
Robin: Pee-yew!
Summer: [stopping the tape] That's what the critics said. Baby's dramatic career flopped, and when she tried to start her TV show again, the networks turned her down.
Batman: That still doesn't explain why she's after her old cast.
Robin: Maybe there's a clue in these old episodes.
Summer: You can borrow them if you want. And when you crack the case, you can pay me back with an exclusive...
[seeing they're gone]
Summer: ...interview.

Summer: Thanks for the exclusive, Mr. Wayne. Do they always include such a sumptuous meal?
Bruce: Only when the topic is a successful Wayne Corp merger.

Detective: Need a favor, Gleeson. That shoot you did down in cracktown...
Summer: You still owe me for the last favor I did you.
Detective: Hey, Summer, where's your Christmas spirit? You know you can trust me.
Summer: I trust you about as far as I can throw you.
Detective: Come on, Gleeson.
Summer: You're lucky I talk to you at all, Bullock.

[last lines]
Summer: [on the news] And so it ended for *ex*-billionaire Cameron Kaiser, and the Joker...
The: Bah! Enough of this rubbish!
[changes the channel]
Poison: Hey! We were watching that!
[nervously, Joker changes it back]
The: [muttering] Ah, you miserable wet tub of no-good losers, you make me sick...

Summer: I'm sure there's more to these crimes against Bruce Wayne than meets the eye. What do we know about The Bruce, after all? One of the richest men on the planet, but he comes off like the ultimate Boy Scout. I think I'll just pop over to the Wayne Charities Reception tonight and see if I can't get some answers.
Harry,: Be careful, Summer, Wayne's got mondo clout in Gotham.
Summer: Hey, Harry, I'm a big girl.