The Best Melissa Disney Quotes

Nelson: Schway party, Howard. It takes real guts to blow up your own home.
Blade: Yeah, kids are gonna talk about this night for years. You're a legend.

Cynthia: You don't like me anymore.
Howard: I do, Cynthia. I just have to fix something in your command processor so you don't shove people around.
Cynthia: But I am what you wanted me to be, Howard.
Howard: I... I just didn't mean quite so intense. You're hurting people.
Cynthia: We won't need other people. You're my only reason for being. I'd go to pieces without you.
Howard: [pushing her away] Cynthia. Cynthia! Keep your hands to your... Cynthia!
Blade: [hearing the commotion outside] Go, Howard.

Blade: And how's our little A+ doing?
Terry: He's sleeping. You'll hardly know he's around.
Blade: Forget it. Jurgen has this new 'Vette I want to check out.
Terry: I want a divorce!

Max: Isn't that just typical? A few strange unexplainable events, and right away, people start talking poltergeist.
Blade: How else do you explain the mangled lounge furniture, and the shop teacher's hair?
Max: The wind.
Dana: Well, a lot of people believe it was Garrison, come back from the dead to haunt us.
Max: [pulling up his yearbook picture] That's him? Ooh la la.
Dana: Top athlete in three sports. Lead guitarist in a band.
Blade: Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. He can haunt my castle anytime.

Terry: Well, someone finally found a way to get to Coach Fitz.
Blade: You know what they're saying, don't you? It's the work of the ghost, just like everything else that's been happening around here.
Terry: Ghost?
Blade: The ghost of Garrison Jacobs, the kid who was killed when they built the east wing.
Dana: Where have you been the last two weeks, in a cave?
Terry: Uh...

Blade: Here. You take him.
Terry: Blade, you can't just...
Blade: I didn't realize how much it cried. Besides, I have a date with Jurgen tonight. We can't exactly take the thing along, can we?
Terry: But I had it all day, and I've got something important to do.
Blade: I don't care.

Nelson: I'm sick of the mall. How about a ride?
Blade: You like that car more than me.
Nelson: Who's talkin' about cars?

Blade: Willie, please.
Willie: Please what? You were interested in me when you thought I was a ghost.
[as he leans in to kiss her, Batman stops him and tries to inject him]
Willie: Almost let down my defenses, and just for a kiss.

Nelson: Come on, baby, you know I care about you. I thought you were right behind me.
Blade: I was. By about a hundred feet. Big, brave Nelson. I might as well go to the dance with a twip like Willie Watt.
[bumping into Willie]
Blade: Uhh! Willie!

Cynthia: We can be together forever.
Howard: Forever's a long time. A real long time. And I'm kinda young.
Cynthia: Which means we'll have even more time together.
Howard: Cynthia, listen. We have to talk. The fact is, this relationship isn't working. You're way too possessive. It was great in the beginning, but now, I...
Cynthia: You what?
Howard: I wanna see other girls.
[she starts to overload]
Howard: Oh, this isn't good.
Blade: [seeing him come out] Sounds like you really got her wound up.
Howard: You don't know the half of it.