The Best Bennet Quotes

Agent: Still no signal. He lost us.
Bennet: We'll find him. He's not getting out of Gotham.

Bennet: Zeta. Going back to school?
Max: [seeing undercover agents draw their weapons] Remind me never to tick off the phone company.

Bennet: You're not cleared for this information.
Barbara: But since it's loose on my streets, you're going to be smart enough to tell me what I'm dealing with.
Bennet: It's an advanced tactical synthoid, infiltration unit Zeta. Designed for deep-cover ops; replace, interrogate, dispose. You're not supposed to like it. High endurance endo-frame equipped with a full array of weapons and tools. A holographic emitter onboard conceals the rig while enabling Zeta to mimic its targets.
Barbara: And this you people release into a school.
Bennet: We didn't release it anywhere. It stopped following orders. Ours, anyway. Zeta was on a long-term assignment infiltrating a terrorist group. Six days ago, it went renegade.
Barbara: Why? How?
Bennet: We don't know. We think the terrorists got to its programming. We have to assume it's obeying them now. And that means we take it out. In a school, on a street corner, wherever we get the shot.
Barbara: We'll cooperate however we can.
[Bennett leaves]
Barbara: You get all that?
Batman: [surprised, he turns off his invisibility dial] Guess I'm losing my touch.
Barbara: I don't like this Bennett waging his war on my streets. I trust if you find the synthoid first, you'll show more concern about who else gets hurt.
Batman: At least we know it's out of the high school.
Barbara: Don't be so sure. If this thing was at your school for a reason... it might come back.

Stalker: Much as I would relish hunting you, this time I seek a different prey.
Batman: Yeah, right.
Bennet: He's telling the truth.
Batman: Bennet.
Bennet: He's working for us now, Batman. Tracking a man named Falseface.
Batman: Falseface?
Bennet: An agent-for-hire who can change identities the way most people change clothes. He's working for Kobra. It's a powerful, ultra-secret organization that uses cutting-edge technology for extortion and terrorism. If we don't pay a ransom of 10 billion credits, they've threatened to release a deadly super-virus.
Batman: You're kidding, right?
Bennet: I wish. Last week, Kobra tested the virus on an island off the coast of Saint Denis. The result: total biological devastation. Crops, livestock, everything. It wasn't pretty. Falseface's job was to smuggle the virus into Gotham, so we turned to the only man who could track him down. The Stalker agreed to help us. Unfortunately, we were too late.
Stalker: By the time I picked up his trail, Falseface had passed the virus container off to a high school student.
Bennet: Time is running out. If we can't find Falseface in the next hour, we're going to have 12 million people in a hot zone.

Bennet: Special Agent Bennett. NSA. The synthoid is ours. Now, either help or get out of the way.