Top 50 Quotes From American Graffiti

Teenager: [to Terry] Is that you in that beautiful car? Geez, what a waste of machinery!

Terry: [to Debbie] Hello. Buenos Noches. You sure you don't need a lift somewhere? Huh? Hey, you know John Milner? John Milner's a good friend of mine. Hey, did anybody ever tell you that you look just like Connie Stevens?

Bob: Hey man, I'm sorry if I scared ya!
John: You're gonna hafta do one hell of a lot more than that to scare me!
Bob: Hey, I've been lookin' all over for ya, man. Didn't nobody tell ya I was lookin' for ya?
John: Man, I can't keep track of all you punks runnin' 'round here backwards.
Bob: Hey you're s'posed to be the fastest thing in the Valley man, but that can't be your car, it must be your mama's car! I'm sorta' embarrassed to be this close to ya!
John: Yeah, well I'm not surprised, drivin' a field car!
Bob: Field car? What's a field car?
John: A field car runs through the fields, droppin' cow shit all over the place to make the lettuce grow.
Bob: Ha ha! That's pretty good! Say, I like the color of your car there, man. What's that s'posed to be? Sort of a cross between piss yella' and puke green, ain't it?
John: Well, you call that a paint job, but it's pretty ugly. I bet you got to sneak up on the pumps just to get a little air in your tires!
Bob: Well at least I don't have to pull over to the side just to let a funeral go by, man.
John: Oh ho, funny!

Bob: Hey, hey, hey, baby. What do you say?
Laurie: Don't say anything and we'll get along just fine.

Carol: Oh, rats. I thought some of my friends might be here.
John: Probably a couple of weeks past their bedtime.
Carol: Oh, wait, there's Dee Dee. I hope she sees me.
John: Oh, shit. Dee Dee!

Joe: [gleefully] Rome wasn't burned in a night.

Debbie: Maybe if it's the goat killer, he'll get somebody and we'll see the whole thing.
Terry: I don't want to see the whole thing.

Bob: Hey, you know a guy around here with a piss yellow deuce coupe, supposed to be hot stuff?
Terry: You mean John Milner?
[Falfa nods slowly]
Terry: Hey, nobody can beat him, man. He's got the fastest...
Bob: [cutting him off] I ain't nobody, dork! Right?
Terry: [intimidated] Uh... right.
Bob: Hey, you see this Milner, you tell him I'm lookin' for him, huh? Tell him I aim to blow his ass right off the road.

Carol: Gee, thanks. It's just like a ring or something. It's like were going steady.

Curt: Someone wants me. Someone roaming the streets, wants ME... Will you turn the corner?

Joe: [waves for Curt to come over] Get down! OK now, you got it? I'm staying here, you're on your own.
Curt: Wait a minute, wait a minute, Joe... wait a minute. What if he hears me?
Joe: Shhh. Listen, listen! Look at it this way. Now, you got three choices. One, you chicken out and in that case I let Ants tie you to the car and drag you around a little bit and you don't want that. Right?
Curt: No.
Joe: Two, you foul up and Holstein hears you and, well uh... you don't want that, right?
Curt: No, I don't.
Joe: Three, you are successful and you join the Pharaohs with a car coat and a blood initiation and all that, huh?
[Joe pats Curt on the shoulder and runs back to the car]
Curt: What? Wait a minute, wait a minute! What blood initiation?

Carol: Oh, no, not me. Not old Carol. The night is young and I'm not hittin' the rack till I get a little action.

Carol: [John turns off the radio] Why did you do that?
John: I don't like that surfin' shit. Rock and roll's been going down hill ever since Buddy Holly died.
Carol: Don't you think the Beach Boys are boss?
John: You would, you grungy little twirp.
Carol: Grungy? You big weenie! If I had a boyfriend, he'd pound you.
John: Yeah, sure.

Steve: I thought, maybe before I leave, we could agree that... that seeing other people while I'm away can't possibly hurt, you know.
Laurie: You mean dating other people?
Steve: I think it would strengthen our relationship. Then we'd know for sure that we're really in love. Not that there's any doubt.

Steve: We're finally getting out of this turkey town, and now you wanna crawl back into your cell, right? You wanna end up like John? You just can't stay seventeen forever.

Carol: You're a regular J.D.
John: File that under uh, C.S. over there.
[hands her the ticket Holstein just issued him]
Carol: C.S.? What's that stand for?
John: Chicken shit - that's what it is.
Carol: Oh.
[puts the ticket in the glove compartment which is full of similar tickets]

Debbie: I really had a good time. I mean, you picked me up and we got some hard stuff and saw a hold-up, and then we went to the Canal, you got your car stolen, and then I got to watch you gettin' sick, and then you got in this really bitchin' fight. I really had a good time.

Curt: [to the mysterious blonde, driving off after mouthing "I love you" to him] What did you say? Wait, what did you say?

Joe: [wearing sunglasses at night with two other members of the Pharoh's gang] Whadaya doin' creep?
Curt: Who, me?
Joe: No, I'm talkin' to the other fifty creeps here. You know Gil Gonzales?
Curt: Gil Gonzales? No. No, I don't.
Joe: Don't know Gil huh? Well you oughta. He's a friend of ours and that's his car you got your butt parked on.

Steve: Where are you going? It's awfully early in the morning.
Curt: [pause] I have a dentist appointment.

Peg: [to Laurie] Why are you so depressed? You'll forget him in a week. After you're elected senior Queen, you'll have so many boys after your bod.

Terry: Jesus, what a night!

Girl: Hey! You got a bitchin' car.
John: Yeah, I know.
Girl: In fact, your car's so neat, we're gonna give you our special prize. You want me to give it to you?
John: Sweetheart, if the prize is you, I'm a ready teddy.
Girl: Well, get bent, turkey!
[throws a water balloon which misses him and hits Carol]

Debbie: Is that tuck and roll?
Terry: Yeah!
Debbie: That's bitchin' tuck and roll! You know, I really love the feel of tuck and roll upholstery.
Terry: You do?
Debbie: Yeah.
Terry: Yeah? Well, get in and I'll let you feel it... I mean, you know, you can touch it... uh... I'll let you feel the upholstery.
Debbie: Okay.

John: [to a girl in a Studebaker] If you ever get tired of going steady with somebody that ain't around, I'm up for grabs.

XERB: I can't really talk for the Wolfman. But I can tell you one thing, if the Wolfman was here he'd tell you to get your ass in gear. Now, the Wolfman comes in here occasionally, bringing tapes, you know, to check up on me and whatnot, and the places he talks about that he's been, the things he's seen. It's a great big beautiful world out there. And here I sit - sucking on popsicles.

Curt: Stand by for justice!

Carol: I just love listening to Wolfman. My Mom won't let me at home. Because he's a Negro. I think he's terrific! Do you know that he just broadcasts from a plane that flies around in circles all the time? Do you believe that's true?

John: Shit! Hey, get down!
Carol: Hey, is this what they call "copping a feel"?
John: What? No, get up, N-O. Sheezus.
Carol: What's your name?
John: My name? Mud, if anybody sees you.

John: So, your Judy's little... Shit! How old are you?
Carol: I'm old enough. How old are you?
John: I'm too old for you.
Carol: You can't be that old.

Mr. Kroot: All right, all right, Bolander, break that up. You know the rules. You and your girlfriend want to do that, go someplace else, huh?
Steve: Hey, Kroot! Why don't you go kiss a duck?
Mr. Kroot: What did you say?
Steve: I said, go kiss a duck, marblehead.
Mr. Kroot: Okay, Bolander, you are suspended. Don't - don't you even come in on Monday. You're out, you're out!
Steve: Hey, hey, Kroot. I graduated last semester. Remember?

Carol: [to Falfa] Your car is uglier than I am!
[both John and Falfa look at her oddly]
Carol: Uh... that didn't come out right.

John: What the hell's goin' on here, Toad? Hey, man, are you all right?
Terry: Yeah, I'll die soon, then it'll all be over, John.
Debbie: Wow, you're just like the Lone Ranger.
John: Yeah, yeah. Listen, are you with him?
Terry: You're talking to the woman I love.
John: What happened, man?

Terry: Pardon me, sir, but I lost my I.D. in... in a flood and I'd like to get some Old Harper, hard stuff. Would you mind buying a bottle for me?
Bum: Why certainly! I lost my wife, too - her name wasn't Idy, though, and it wasn't in a flood - but I know what ya...
Terry: Thanks, here's enough for a pint.

Curt: You're the most beautiful, exciting thing I've ever seen in my life and I don't know anything about you.

Man: [after Terry has backed into his car] Excuse me, but I think we've had an accident.
Terry: Well, goddammit, I won't report you this time, but next time just watch it, will ya?

[last lines]
John: I know, uh... you probably think you're a big shot, goin' off like this...
John: [he slaps Curt] ... but you're still a punk.
Curt: OK, John... So long... So long!
[Steve, Terry, Laurie and John wish Curt goodbye]
Terry: Have a good trip!
Laurie: Bye, Curt. Good-bye!

Laurie: [quoting from Curt] "It doesn't make sense to leave home to look for home, to give up a life to find a new life, to say goodbye to friends you love just to find new friends".

Debbie: Are you for real? Come on, girls don't pay - guys pay!

Debbie: [to Terry] Peel out, I just love it when guys peel out.

John: [to Carol] Hey! Driving is a serious business. I ain't having no accidents just because of you!

Carol: [after being hit with a water balloon] Very funny. What a chop! Ha-ha! Quit laughing! Let's catch 'em at the light. Jump out and flatten their tires.
John: Wait a minute.
Carol: Just do as I say!
John: Alright, boss.

Curt: You know Toby Juarez? Toby Juarez, he's a Pharaoh isn't he?
Joe: Toby Juarez? Sure, we know Toby. We killed him last night. Tied him to a car and dragged him.

XERB: [on the radio] Get your bugaloos out baby! The Wolfman is everywhere.

Vic: Hey Deb, How's my soft baby?
Debbie: Come on, beat it, Vic. I'm not your baby.
Vic: Aw, come on honey. Look, so I never called you back. I've been, you know, busy.
Debbie: Yeah, three weeks? Besides, it only took me one night to realize if brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose.
Vic: Look who's talking. Hey, who's the wimp you're hanging out with now? Einstein?
Debbie: Tiger happens to be very intelligent, unlike you. I know everything your dirty little mind is thinking - it shows.
Terry: Hey now, buddy, look. The lady obviously doesn't want to have...
Vic: Look, creep. You want a knuckle sandwich?
Terry: Uh, no thanks. I'm waiting for a double Chucky Chuck.
Vic: Then keep your smart-ass mouth shut.
Vic: [pauses]
Vic: Hey, I'll call you some night Deb. Some night when I'm hard up.
Debbie: I won't be home.
Debbie: [lights a match and throws it at him as he makes an obscene gesture at her]
Debbie: Get out of here.
Terry: You seem to know a lot of weird guys.
Debbie: That creep's not a friend of mine, he's just... *horny*. That's why I like you, you're different.
Terry: I am? I mean, do you really think I'm intelligent?
Debbie: Yeah, and I bet you're smart enough to get us some brew.
[she puts her arm around him, leans over and kisses him]
Debbie: Yeah.
Terry: Brew?
Debbie: Yeah.
Terry: You mean liquor. Yeah, yeah right, liquor. Yeah, this place is too crowded anyway.
[starts the car, backs up and pulls out of Mel's Drive-in]

XERB: [on the radio] He's a friend of mine, you hear? And little girl... you better call him, or the Wolfman gonna get you!

Carol: [to John] Oh, race him. You can beat him.

XERB: [on the radio] Little kiss on your ear. Goodnight, sweetheart. I'll see you later.

John: Don't you have homework or something to do?
Carol: No sweat - my mother does it.

Ants: Hey, man, who cut the cheese?
Joe: He who smelt it, dealt it.