The Best Laurie Quotes

Laurie: [quoting from Curt] "It doesn't make sense to leave home to look for home, to give up a life to find a new life, to say goodbye to friends you love just to find new friends".

[last lines]
John: I know, uh... you probably think you're a big shot, goin' off like this...
John: [he slaps Curt] ... but you're still a punk.
Curt: OK, John... So long... So long!
[Steve, Terry, Laurie and John wish Curt goodbye]
Terry: Have a good trip!
Laurie: Bye, Curt. Good-bye!

Steve: I thought, maybe before I leave, we could agree that... that seeing other people while I'm away can't possibly hurt, you know.
Laurie: You mean dating other people?
Steve: I think it would strengthen our relationship. Then we'd know for sure that we're really in love. Not that there's any doubt.

Bob: Hey, hey, hey, baby. What do you say?
Laurie: Don't say anything and we'll get along just fine.