The Best Joe Quotes

Joe: [waves for Curt to come over] Get down! OK now, you got it? I'm staying here, you're on your own.
Curt: Wait a minute, wait a minute, Joe... wait a minute. What if he hears me?
Joe: Shhh. Listen, listen! Look at it this way. Now, you got three choices. One, you chicken out and in that case I let Ants tie you to the car and drag you around a little bit and you don't want that. Right?
Curt: No.
Joe: Two, you foul up and Holstein hears you and, well uh... you don't want that, right?
Curt: No, I don't.
Joe: Three, you are successful and you join the Pharaohs with a car coat and a blood initiation and all that, huh?
[Joe pats Curt on the shoulder and runs back to the car]
Curt: What? Wait a minute, wait a minute! What blood initiation?

Joe: [gleefully] Rome wasn't burned in a night.

Joe: [wearing sunglasses at night with two other members of the Pharoh's gang] Whadaya doin' creep?
Curt: Who, me?
Joe: No, I'm talkin' to the other fifty creeps here. You know Gil Gonzales?
Curt: Gil Gonzales? No. No, I don't.
Joe: Don't know Gil huh? Well you oughta. He's a friend of ours and that's his car you got your butt parked on.

Ants: Hey, man, who cut the cheese?
Joe: He who smelt it, dealt it.

Curt: You know Toby Juarez? Toby Juarez, he's a Pharaoh isn't he?
Joe: Toby Juarez? Sure, we know Toby. We killed him last night. Tied him to a car and dragged him.