The Best Debbie Quotes

Debbie: Maybe if it's the goat killer, he'll get somebody and we'll see the whole thing.
Terry: I don't want to see the whole thing.

Vic: Hey Deb, How's my soft baby?
Debbie: Come on, beat it, Vic. I'm not your baby.
Vic: Aw, come on honey. Look, so I never called you back. I've been, you know, busy.
Debbie: Yeah, three weeks? Besides, it only took me one night to realize if brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose.
Vic: Look who's talking. Hey, who's the wimp you're hanging out with now? Einstein?
Debbie: Tiger happens to be very intelligent, unlike you. I know everything your dirty little mind is thinking - it shows.
Terry: Hey now, buddy, look. The lady obviously doesn't want to have...
Vic: Look, creep. You want a knuckle sandwich?
Terry: Uh, no thanks. I'm waiting for a double Chucky Chuck.
Vic: Then keep your smart-ass mouth shut.
Vic: [pauses]
Vic: Hey, I'll call you some night Deb. Some night when I'm hard up.
Debbie: I won't be home.
Debbie: [lights a match and throws it at him as he makes an obscene gesture at her]
Debbie: Get out of here.
Terry: You seem to know a lot of weird guys.
Debbie: That creep's not a friend of mine, he's just... *horny*. That's why I like you, you're different.
Terry: I am? I mean, do you really think I'm intelligent?
Debbie: Yeah, and I bet you're smart enough to get us some brew.
[she puts her arm around him, leans over and kisses him]
Debbie: Yeah.
Terry: Brew?
Debbie: Yeah.
Terry: You mean liquor. Yeah, yeah right, liquor. Yeah, this place is too crowded anyway.
[starts the car, backs up and pulls out of Mel's Drive-in]

Debbie: Are you for real? Come on, girls don't pay - guys pay!

Debbie: I really had a good time. I mean, you picked me up and we got some hard stuff and saw a hold-up, and then we went to the Canal, you got your car stolen, and then I got to watch you gettin' sick, and then you got in this really bitchin' fight. I really had a good time.

John: What the hell's goin' on here, Toad? Hey, man, are you all right?
Terry: Yeah, I'll die soon, then it'll all be over, John.
Debbie: Wow, you're just like the Lone Ranger.
John: Yeah, yeah. Listen, are you with him?
Terry: You're talking to the woman I love.
John: What happened, man?

Debbie: [to Terry] Peel out, I just love it when guys peel out.

Debbie: Is that tuck and roll?
Terry: Yeah!
Debbie: That's bitchin' tuck and roll! You know, I really love the feel of tuck and roll upholstery.
Terry: You do?
Debbie: Yeah.
Terry: Yeah? Well, get in and I'll let you feel it... I mean, you know, you can touch it... uh... I'll let you feel the upholstery.
Debbie: Okay.