Top 20 Quotes From Derek Powers

Derek: Take it from me, it's better to be feared than loved.
Shriek: Shriek.
Derek: Now go forth and do damage, but don't forget, you still owe me Bruce Wayne.
Shriek: What if Batman gets into it again?
Derek: Kill him.

Dr. Stephanie Lake: I'm Dr. Lake. Stephanie Lake.
Derek: What's this suggestion of yours?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: I could use your baseline DNA to build you a new body, then transfer your neural patterns into it.
Doctor: Dr. Lake, it's not your place to...
Derek: A new body?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: Theoretically, it should work. Of course, I would want to test the process first on someone who also has systemically-damaged DNA.
Derek: You have someone in mind?

[to elderly Bruce Wayne]
Derek: So how are you holding up, Bruce?
Bruce: With a cane.

Dr. Stephanie Lake: No doubt about it. He's reverting.
Derek: Why? How? Don't you know what this means to me?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: There must be some kind of pneumonic agent within the DNA.
Derek: If only we could biopsy his organs at this stage.
Dr. Stephanie Lake: That might be doable.

Derek: I must say, it's so nice to see you taking an interest after all these years.
[seeing Bruce notice an open folder, he closes it]
Derek: We're lucky to have you as a resource.
Bruce: Mm-hmm.
Derek: You should come by more often. I'll set you up with the finest office in the building; just not this one.
[Bruce reaches out to touch a statue]
Derek: Ah, I'd prefer you not touch that.
Bruce: In case you're worried, I didn't come here to set up shop again.
Derek: Why, Bruce, you've misread me. I don't worry.

Derek: [seeing Freeze in his cold suit] Fries! How...?
Mr. Freeze: It's something I've kept in cold storage.
[Powers and Stephanie flee; as Powers dodges a blast of ice, he slips on the patch of floor it hits]
Derek: You have this all wrong.
Mr. Freeze: Do I?

Derek: You animals!
[grabs Mendez]
Derek: You want to talk about poison?
Bruce: Let him go!
Derek: Old man, I've been waiting to do this for years!
[attacks him]

Doctor: The good news is the radiation seems to have completely eradicated the virus.
Derek: What's the bad news?
Doctor: As you know, the mutational properties of the virus can by corrupted by its environment.
[Powers grabs him]
Doctor: Unh!
Derek: Bottom-line it, Doctor.
Doctor: Kill the radiation, please.
[as the radiation is turned off, Powers starts laughing maniacally as he sees himself with a radioactive glow]

Derek: Don't worry about Wayne. That performance was just to remind me he's still breathing. And barely, I might add.
Inque: He knows too much.
Derek: He's just fishing. I'll send him an extra basket of oranges this Christmas and he'll be happy. Moving on.
[offering a folder]
Derek: Here's what I'd like you to do tonight, my dear.

Inque: He has an accomplice. I heard him speak with someone over a radio.
Derek: Then do them both. I'll pay you whatever you want.
Inque: No wonder I like working for you.
Derek: Now I suggest you leave. It's not healthy to be around me when I'm shedding.

Derek: Welcome back to the living.
Dr. Stephanie Lake: [Fries gets out of bed] I don't think you should...
Derek: Let's see what he can do.
Victor: [touching a snowy window] Cold. It feels... cold.

Derek: It has been moved and seconded that Wayne-Powers tender an offer to the city in order to expand into the historical district. All in favor.
[a few "ayes"]
Derek: Opposed?
[more than a few "nays"]
Derek: [trying to hide his disappointment] The motion is defeated. Meeting adjourned.

Derek: Dr. Lake and I have taken every precaution, Victor. Let me assure you...
Mr. Freeze: Save your breath. I am neither afraid nor capable of being comforted by your banal words.

Inque: We need to talk.
Derek: This better be good. What happened?
Inque: Someone's been interfering. This is the second time.
Derek: Who?
Inque: I don't know. He wore a costume, black and red.
Derek: Batman!
Inque: *The* Batman?
Derek: What difference does it make?

Walter: How was I supposed to know Batman would be there?
Derek: Batman's everywhere these days. Everywhere.
Walter: At least I knocked down one of those buildings for you.
Derek: [sarcastic] Well, whoop-de-do. It's the *land* I want! And unless I can shut Wayne up, the stockholders will never authorize the purchase.
Walter: Don't worry. Next time, I'll get him. Guaranteed.
Derek: Haven't you been listening? It's over! Wayne's in the hospital now with guards. There's no way you could get to him.
Walter: I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Paxton: Let me guess. You've thought of an even more demeaning grunt job for me.
Derek: Does acting chairman of the board sound like a grunt job?
Paxton: How stupid do you think I am?
Derek: It's in title only, at least at first. I'll tell you what I want done, and you'll do it. If you perform well, real power will follow. I need your help, son. I'm no longer able to face the public.
Paxton: What are you talking about? What's going on?
[removing his sunglasses and revealing the radiation in his eyes, Derek pulls off a section of skin from his wrist]
Paxton: Oh, dad.

Derek: I asked you here, Warren, to clear up any misconceptions you might have gotten from that incident with Mr. Tully. Harry simply suffered an allergic reaction to a chemical compound in the lab. Shook him up a bit, but he's under the best of care.
Warren: That's great. When can I see him?
Derek: Monday morning, first thing.
Warren: Thank you, Mr. Powers.
Derek: Don't mention it, Warren.
[Warren turns to leave]
Derek: Oh, Warren, before I forget, there seems to be a file missing from Harry's records. Would you know where it is?
Warren: No, sir. I have no idea.
Derek: No, of course not.

Walter: Look at this sound suit. I just finished it. It's got four built-in sound generators...
Derek: How's it any better than an old boom box?
Walter: Different kind of boom. Watch. It generates ultra-low frequency vibrations, which I can aim in any direction.
[destroying a block of concrete]
Walter: Imagine the time and effort this suit would save construction workers, road builders.
Derek: Dynamite's cheaper.
Walter: But...
Derek: Shreeve, you're just not a practical guy. All that's ever mattered to you is your research, which is why I had to bail out your company, and now it's time for me to see some return on my investment. I want you to solve a problem for me.
Walter: What?
Derek: Not what. Who.

Walter: It's a neglected sense, hearing. And it shouldn't be, because all too often, our first warning of danger is sound.
Derek: Shreeve, what are you trying to...
[hearing a rumbling engine, he gasps as a train horn blares in front of him]
Walter: [turning a flashlight and another device off] See, Mr. Powers? Just an illusion.
Derek: Uh, I knew that.
Walter: Of course. But after all the research money you've given me, I thought you deserved a demonstration.
Derek: Frankly, I was hoping for more.

Derek: Mr. Fixx, any word on the kid?
Mr. Fixx: Not yet, but they're looking.
Derek: I don't have to tell you how important this deal is to Wayne-Powers. It's going to open up the entire Eastern Bloc for us, so I don't need it spoiled by a snot-nosed punk.
Mr. Fixx: I took care of his old man, didn't I?