The Best Jeff Harlan Quotes

Dr. Glass: The sooner we pull it out, the better.
Judge Harold T. "Harry" Stone: Pull what out?
Dr. Glass: [shining a light through the x-ray] There it is, right there.
Asst. D.A. Dan Fielding: Tumor?
Bailiff: Ulcer?
Baliff: Whistle?
Dr. Glass: [points to Bull] We have a winner.
Public: It's a whistle?
Judge Harold T. "Harry" Stone: That's where it is. I must have swallowed it.
Dr. Glass: That would be my guess, yes.

Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers: All right, what exactly is going on?
Elaine: I - I don't know. It was so strange.
Mark: We were at the Youth Center watching Andromeda, having a wonderful time awhen...
Elaine: Yeah, and suddenly everybody went crazy. Like someone pulled a switch.
Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers: I don't buy that. "The devil made me do it" was obsolete thinking even in the 20th century.
Mark: We really couldn't stop.
Elaine: That's right. I could see what was happening, but... it was like watching two other people doing it.
Mark: Yeah.
Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers: [beckons Huer aside] What about these two? Have they ever been in trouble before?
Dr. Elias Huer: No, that's the intriguing thing, they're two fine young people.
Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers: The music again?
Dr. Elias Huer: The thought crossed my mind.
Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers: Mine too.

Agent: Still no signal. He lost us.
Bennet: We'll find him. He's not getting out of Gotham.

Judge Harold T. "Harry" Stone: So Doc, what's the good word?
Dr. Glass: Surgery.
Judge Harold T. "Harry" Stone: That was a rhetorical question.

Max: I can't believe my dad took both key cards.
Bellboy: Not a problem, miss.
[letting her in, he clears his throat and indicates the tool in his hand]
Max: Oh, uh...
Bellboy: [she swipes her cash card] Thank you, miss!
Max: [shutting the door behind him] There goes my lunch money.