Top 20 Quotes From Barbara Gordon

Barbara: You're surrounded, Batman. There's no escape. You might as well surrender.
Batman: Sorry, not in my vocabulary.
[as he throws a gas pallet, a patrol car opens a panel and a fan disperses it]
Batman: Oh, I'm fragged.

Barbara: I appreciate what you did tonight, but I want you to stay out of police business. Of course, maybe I'm talking to the wrong guy. Hard to believe you're still remaking your image at this late date.
Bruce: I never forced him.
Terry: It's what I wanted.
Barbara: That's what we all thought, at the beginning. I've looked the other way so far, but I'm not my father. I don't want to have to come back here again. Capisce?
Bruce: Does this mean you won't be wanting the information I have on Curaré?
Barbara: [taking a disc] I mean it, Bruce. Stay out of it.

Barbara: Did he tell you what happened?
Bruce: I heard some mistakes were made.
Barbara: Mistakes? It took us twelve months to set up that sting. Men put their lives on the line for it.
Bruce: The boy is still learning.
Barbara: The boy is a hothead. I've been doing some checking on him.
Bruce: I know about his record.
Barbara: Three months at juvie. Another mistake, I suppose. He seems to make a lot of them. Just make sure this one was his last.

Terry: [about Bruce Wayne] So why do you hate him so much?
[later, after a long conversation over coffee]
Commissioner: No, I don't hate him. I hate what he's become. Such a great man... so alone.

Commissioner: I hear you wrangled yourself a new errand boy.
Bruce: I never wrangled anyone. Every one of you came to me.
Commissioner: Maybe for once you should try to talk someone out of it.
Bruce: Would it have worked for you?

Barbara: This is Gordon.
Kidnapper: Finally. Someone with a real line of credit.
Barbara: No deals until I know the hostages are safe.
Kidnapper: Sweetheart, I've already been through this with your cub scouts. I'm looking at my foreign account right now, and still no donations. You better hurry, luv. Telethon's over in five minutes.

Bruce: What are you saying, Barbara? That I should hand Terry over to Shriek?
Barbara: No. Give him to me. I'll figure out something. I had some pretty good teachers, remember?
Bruce: I remember, but you work for a mayor who'd sell out the kid at the drop of a hat.
Barbara: Look, if you've got a better plan...
Bruce: All I know right now is this: that kid's done a lot for this city. It's time for the city to do something for him.
Barbara: We're trying, Bruce, but we've only got 'til midnight. What then?

Barbara: In the last four years, under my husband's leadership, the D.A.'s office has put nine organized crime chiefs behind bars, initiated a no-tolerance policy on unregistered guns, and reduced the plea bargain ratio of violent offenders, keeping them off the streets and in prison, where they belong.
Barbara: But he needs your help if he's going to continue to serve the needs of this city.
Mad: Serve the needs of the special-interest fat cats, you mean.

Terry: [after Barbara has closed the school] You're a hero to my people.
Barbara: You better be right about this one, kid.

Barbara: Sam, honey, maybe you should take a break. You've been at it since 5:00 this morning.
Sam: [yawning] Can't be helped. Putting Cuvier out of business is going to mean a lot of long nights. Right now, I just can't relax knowing that Cuvier and his guinea pigs are out there, doing God knows what.
Barbara: I bet I could relax you.

Terry: Then Batman tied Dr. Billings up and disappeared.
Barbara: And you're Mr. Wayne's new assistant?
[he nods]
Barbara: Your father was Warren McGinnis?
[he nods again]
Barbara: Stay out of trouble, kid.

Girl: [cowering from Magma] Don't let him hurt me!
Barbara: We'll take it from here.
Magma: Right.
[in anger, he smashes a patrol car]
Cop: Hey, that's police property.
Cop: You tell him.

Barbara: Yes?
Bruce: It's me.
Barbara: You're not authorized to use this frequency. Get off it. Now!
Bruce: Barbara, you have to listen to me.
Barbara: Wrong . Those days are long gone, Bruce.

Principal: If I close this school based on your hunch, and he doesn't show up, I'm going to have the school board looking over my shoulder for the rest of my career.
Barbara: This is a court order. If you don't close the school, you'll have me looking over your shoulder in the county jail.

Sam: I thought the man was supposed to protect the woman.
Commissioner: Last century, babe.

Terry: So, you and Dick Grayson, like, dated?
Barbara: In college. Puppy love. Later on, we just never talked about it.
Terry: People should communicate more.
Barbara: Dick finally got fed up living in Batman's shadow. He decided to leave. He was hurt when I chose to stay behind with Bruce.
Terry: As his partner.
[she stays silent]
Terry: His girlfriend?
[she takes a silent sip of coffee]
Terry: Whoa.
Barbara: On the street, it was like ballet. We were the perfect duo. But for Bruce - Batman - there was nothing but the street. Eventually, that gets old. Time comes when you gotta hang up the cape. But Bruce wouldn't. Or couldn't. So I left, and never looked back.

Barbara: When he comes, you have to hand him over.
Bruce: If you take him in, it'll expose his secret. And mine. And yours.
Barbara: What other choice do I have... do we have? Believe me, I'm acutely aware of the ramifications. I have a husband running for reelection. How long do you think that'll last once this hits the Web? No one can protect us this time, Bruce. He went too far.

Barbara: We wouldn't even look into this "mysterious man" story, but the girl's father has influence and he asked that we check it out. I wanted your opinion first.
Dr. Ira Billings: To be frank, this is Chelsea's pattern. She commits these destructive acts for attention and then claims they weren't her fault. Unfortunately, by humoring her stories, her father encourages her behavior.
Barbara: In other words, she made the whole thing up.
Dr. Ira Billings: That would be my opinion. I'm sorry you wasted your time.

[Upon seeing her Batgirl costume in a display case in the Batcave]
Commissioner: I see you've sewn up the bullet holes.

Commissioner: I heard the D.A.'s office is plea-bargaining the Densmore case. Do you know how hard my men worked to...?
Sam: Uh-uh-uh, no shop talk after hours. You want to discuss my shortcomings as a D.A., call my office and make an appointment, Commissioner.
[Kisses her]