The Best Eli Bickel Quotes

El: Maybe you're El Stupido

El: I'm scared.
Ben: What are you scared of?
El: Ghosts.
Ben: Ghosts aren't real.
El: If they're not real, how come everyone knows what they are?
Ben: They're real as an idea, but they're not real, real. That's what's scary about ghosts, that they aren't real. If ghosts were real they wouldn't be scary at all, right? We would just smile and say, "Hi, ghosts!"
El: Hi ghosts!
Ben: Hi ghost! Wouldn't that be cool? If when someone wasn't there anymore there was still a little piece of them that could surprise you sometimes?
El: Yeah.
Ben: But there's not, there's nothing. And that's what's scary about ghosts. That the little piece of someone that feels like it might still be there isn't there at all. Do you feel better?
El: No.
Ben: Me neither.