The Best Quentin Sellers Quotes

Quentin: The problem is you got all these bright, creative lights and nowhere to plug in their energy so it gets channelled into conspiracy theories.

Quentin: Your story proves the defining truth of our time.
Ben: Which is what?
Quentin: Everything means everything, so nothing means anything. Some things mean something.

Quentin: I'd probably say that nobody writes anything. All we do is translate. So if you ever get stuck and you don't know what to say... just listen. Even to the silences. Listen as hard as you can to the world around you and... repeat back what you hear. That translation, that's your voice.

Quentin: What we're recording here isn't your record. It's your sound... on the record that started with the very first moment in time. So when you sing this song, I want you think about what you're making is the record of your time here on this Earth. It's the sound that you scratch with your life... on the record of the universe. Okay?
Teenage: Okay.

Quentin: You're a playlist guy.
Ben: What does that mean?
Quentin: When some computer recommends you a bunch of songs based on your favorites and a bunch more--based on your favorites of those. Right. So you're listening to a bunch of music that, I mean, you genuinely like...
Ben: Yeah.
Quentin: ...but you have no idea who sings it. Now, these playlists? It's like the dating app for music. You're not hearing other people's voices. You're just hearing your voice get played back to you. How are you supposed to fall in love? Art used to be in charge of us. You used to buy a whole album not even knowing what songs would be on it. Now we have everything on demand. At your fingertips. In pieces. You think half the people that are posting quotes from Oscar Wilde have ever actually read one of his plays?
Ben: No.
Quentin: Or posting photos of Audrey Hepburn have actually seen the film it's from?
Ben: No.
Quentin: Not a chance, right?
Ben: What is that about, huh?
Quentin: It's the same in culture as it is in archaeology. When a civilization collapses, only the tiniest fragments remain. But we can built it up again.
Ben: How?
Quentin: Make recordings. Real people. Not what people think they already know and want to hear. Real people. Not some generic stereotype or generic song. Real people.