The Best Ellen DeGeneres Quotes

[last lines]
[Sheldon and Bert are at a taping of the Ellen DeGeneres Show]
Ellen: A new study came out and it said that laughing makes your brain work better. And I know that's true because laughing has made me the smartiest. Although, on the other hand, babies laugh a lot and they're dumb.
Sheldon: [to Bert] Do people know about her? 'Cause she's delightful.

Ryan: Ellen, what's your ramble on this?
Ellen: Ryan, I don't ramble anymore. Although I do like that song Ramblin' Man by the Allman Brothers. At first I thought they were the Almond Brothers, which is great, since I like nuts, except for filberts, which is odd because I love Dilbert, because when you spend all day in a cubicle, you just gotta dance!