The Best Emanuel Schikaneder Quotes

[Mozart loses at musical chairs]
Emanuel: Herr Mozart, why don't you name your son's penalty?
Wolfgang: Yes, Papa. Name it. Name it, I'll do anything you say. Anything.
Leopold: I want you to come back to Salzburg with me, my son.
Wolfgang: Papa, the rule is you can only give a penalty that can be performed in the room.
Leopold: I'm tired of this game, I don't want to play anymore.
Wolfgang: But my penalty!
[jumping up and down like an angry child]
Wolfgang: I've got to have a penalty!

Emanuel: [to Mozart] Look, you little clown, do you know how many people I've hired for you? Do you know how many people are waiting?
Constanze: [shouting] Leave him alone! He's doing his best!
Emanuel: [to Mozart] I'm paying these people, don't you understand? I'm paying these people to wait while you do nothing! It's ridiculous!
Constanze: You know what's ridiculous? Your libretto, that's what's ridiculous! Only an idiot would ask Wolfie to work on that stuff! 12-foot snakes, magic flutes?
Emanuel: What's so intelligent about writing a Requiem mass?
Constanze: Money! Money!
Emanuel: She's mad, Wolfie. Write it down please. Just write it down on paper. It's no good to anybody in your head. To hell with your death mass.

Emanuel: Look, I asked you if we could start rehearsals next week and you said yes.
Wolfgang: Well, we can.
Emanuel: So let me see it. Where is it?
Wolfgang: Here. It's all right here in my noodle. The rest is just scribbling. Scribbling and bibbling, bibbling and scribbling.