The Best Christine Ebersole Quotes

White: What is this? Where is Pink?
Steven: PINK STEVEN: She's gone.
White: What did you say? Answer me!
Steven: She's GO-O-O-O-O-O-ONE!

Stan: This is The Game of Life, baby. You just, you spin the wheel and you move through the board. And then you, uh you get stuff on the way and whoever gets the most money and gets married and has the most kids at the end of the game wins.
Bobbi: And if there isn't a part of the game where you pee every time you sneeze and every so-called friend disappoints you, it's a fraud.

Katerina: I heard you met Herr Mozart.
Antonio: News travels fast in Vienna.
Katerina: And he's been commissioned to write an opera. Is it true?
Antonio: Yes.
Katerina: Is there a part in it for me?
Antonio: No.
Katerina: How do you know?
Antonio: Do you know where it's set, my dear?
Katerina: No.
Antonio: In a harem.
Katerina: What's that?
Antonio: A brothel!
Katerina: [shocked] Oh-h-h-h!
Antonio: Come. Let's begin.
Katerina: What does he look like?
Antonio: Mozart? You might be disappointed.
Katerina: Why?
Antonio: Looks and talent don't always go together, Katerina
Katerina: Looks don't concern me, maestro. Only talent interests a woman of taste.

Emperor: Brava, madame! You are an ornament to our stage.
Katerina: [smiling happily] Your Majesty!

White: Pink! There you are! Hello, Starlight. You certainly gave everyone a scare. They're all just thrilled to see you safe and sound.
Steven: Um, hi? I...
White: As for this latest little game of yours, thank the stars it's over. Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?
Steven: I...
White: Good, good. Everyone is so relieved. Welcome home, Pink.

White: You are acting like a child!
Steven: I am a child. What's your excuse?

Berne: I'm offering you Crème de la Merman.
[starts belting like Ethel Merman again]

SNL: This is the New York Daily News, which has a daily circulation of 1.5 million, but is in financial trouble. Now this is the New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who has been asked to buy the Daily News. Now Murdoch also owns the sleazy National Star. Now if the deal goes through, Moor- Murdoch says the new paper replacing the Daily News will be a combination of the Star and the Post and it'll be called, of course: the New York Compost.

Christine: Oh, this is asinine. Get the producer down here. Dick!
Al: What? Hey!
Christine: Dick!
Al: What are you doing?
Christine: Dick!
Al: Shut up, you can't say that!
Christine: Dick! Get me Dick!

Young: They say when a new Supreme starts to flower, the old Supreme begins to fade. You've been fading, Anna-Lee.
Anna: Shall I show you my power?
Young: You're weak, Anna-Lee. We both know why. Diabetes, heart trouble, liver failure, God knows what else. As I get stronger, you get weaker.
Anna: [Slaps] You vicious little gash. I've seen the ruin you will bring this coven if you are allowed to take power now. You're a selfish, craven little child, Fiona. And I will make it my mission to ensure that you will never take the throne. I'll see you burn in hell first.
Young: Fine, save me a spot.
[cuts Anna-Lee's throat]

Princess: It takes a big man to admit that he's a pathetic little weasel.

Anna: Fiona! I thought you had gone with the other girls down to Jackson Square to burn your bra.
Young: Why? So I can gag on the toxic fumes coming off all that burning Playtex? No thanks.

White: Pink Diamond. Your presence is required.
Yellow: Come on, Blue.
White: Only Pink Diamond's presence is necessary.