The Best Fiona Goode (Young) Quotes

Young: I can't believe Fiona is getting away with it.
Young: Getting away with what, dogface?
Young: Murder.

Anna: Fiona! I thought you had gone with the other girls down to Jackson Square to burn your bra.
Young: Why? So I can gag on the toxic fumes coming off all that burning Playtex? No thanks.

Young: They say when a new Supreme starts to flower, the old Supreme begins to fade. You've been fading, Anna-Lee.
Anna: Shall I show you my power?
Young: You're weak, Anna-Lee. We both know why. Diabetes, heart trouble, liver failure, God knows what else. As I get stronger, you get weaker.
Anna: [Slaps] You vicious little gash. I've seen the ruin you will bring this coven if you are allowed to take power now. You're a selfish, craven little child, Fiona. And I will make it my mission to ensure that you will never take the throne. I'll see you burn in hell first.
Young: Fine, save me a spot.
[cuts Anna-Lee's throat]