The Best Emilia Fox Quotes

Dr. Harry Cunningham: Leo, have you been practising facial reconstruction? You're getting better at it than I am.
Leo: Not mine.
Nikki: [Walks in with bones] Hi guys.
Leo: Where did you learn how to do this?
Nikki: Oh, I worked in forensic pathology in Johannesburg for six months. We had a lot of unidentified bodies.
Leo: You've even impressed Harry.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: I don't know if I've fallen into a black hole or something...
Leo: Oh, sorry, this is Nikki. I'm intending to have her thrown out at some point, but I've been busy.
Nikki: Nikki Alexander, Forensic Anthropologist. It's a ram-raid really, I only want you for your software.
Leo: I've had her checked out, it appears she is who she says she is.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Well, I should hope so.
Nikki: I've often wondered. Do you want to see the rest of my iron age body? The reconstructions are coming together rather well. This is the woman, 30-ish.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Bought your own bones?
Nikki: Leo said that I couldn't keep them in the morgue, so he told me I could leave them there.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Oh... You're actually on my desk, but...

Dr. Harry Cunningham: I'll tell you all about my mad aunt Meredith, came to believe she was a lemon, and lost all her zest for life.
[Nikki and Leo talk]
Dr. Harry Cunningham: What about my cousin Harvey who thought he was a banana?
Nikki: What about him?
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Well, he's got a split personality.

Ben: I've always wanted to be a painter, maybe have my work hung in a gallery one day.
Sharon: I've always wanted to meet a painter.
Ben: Why?
Sharon: I think it might have something to do with their ability to see beauty in everything.

Leo: [Walking into cutting room] Who the hell are you?
Nikki: Oh
[spits toothpaste]
Nikki: Sorry, they're mine.
[moves skeleton]
Nikki: I'm Nikki, I'm a forensic anthropologist.
Leo: You're brushing your teeth in a mortuary?
Nikki: I know, ladies' loos are flooded.
Leo: Mortuary as in evidence, contamination there of.
Nikki: I sort of know that.
Leo: Cases depend on it. What's all this? This is the pathology department, not the natural history museum.
Nikki: Are you Leo?
Leo: Professor Leo Dalton, head of this department.
Nikki: I know.
Leo: You can't just wander in and start camping out.
Nikki: Not normally, obviously.
Leo: What?
Nikki: Well, you're right of course. You don't just invade a mortuary... Okay, look: The archaeology department doesn't have the software for facial reconstruction, you have, so when I bought these back from the Brecon Beacons dig... It's a very unusual late iron age burial. My colleagues think it's ritual sacrifice but I don't. That's what's so interesting...
Leo: How interesting you find these bones isn't the point.
Nikki: I just wanted to get on with it. To know what these people looked like. I'm sorry. I convinced myself that if you'd been here you'd let me use the software. And professor Hegarty said 'Oh Leo, he's fairly easy going, he won't mind, he... ' I'm not doing very well, am I?
Leo: Uh, no.
Nikki: Don't you understand that feeling, it's obsessive. I'm sorry, I really am. You find something, you want the answers, PDQ, you just have to have them. Sorry. Again.

Dr. Harry Cunningham: Nikki! Are you okay?
Dr. Nikki Alexander: Yeah.
Professor: I thought I told you to stay at home.
Dr. Nikki Alexander: I'm fine.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Are you?
Dr. Nikki Alexander: Yeah, doctor had a look at me.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Lucky doctor.

Ben: Are you and Matt seeing each other?
Sharon: No. We went to the cinema the other night, but just as friends.
Ben: Hmm.
Sharon: Why? What has Matt said?
Ben: He said he slept with you.So you didn't?
Sharon: No, of course not! What do you take me for?
Ben: Sorry.
Sharon: Did he say if I was any good?
Ben: I think it was the best sex he's never had.

Dr. Harry Cunningham: What a fascinating little brick.
Dr. Nikki Alexander: As, indeed, are you.
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Perhaps you'd prefer it if I retrained as a paramedic.
Dr. Nikki Alexander: Perhaps you'd prefer it if I retrained as one of your adoring 25-year-olds?
Dr. Harry Cunningham: Little bit late for that, don't you think?