The Best Eric Quotes

Eric: [to Tris] If you think you got lucky, you're wrong. You're gonna wish I killed you.

Eric: You think she's safe now? You're wrong.
Eric: [to Tris] Jeanine's never gonna stop searching for you.
Four: Why? What does she want with her? Tell me.
Eric: Look, all I know is she's exactly what Jeanine needs. She's the perfect subject.
[Four cocks his gun]
Eric: Was that supposed to scare me?
Four: You're responsible for the death of hundreds of people. You know the punishment for that.
Eric: Listen... I've found a way to live with the blood on my hands. But can you?

[Eric runs a test on a man and finds him 10% Divergent]
Eric: You're almost normal. That's boring.
[Eric shoots him in the head]

Eric: She's not gonna shoot me.
Beatrice: I think you might be overestimating my character.
[shoots him in the leg]

Eric: You fight until one of you can't anymore.
Four: Or until one of you concedes.
Eric: A brave man never backs down.
Four: Lucky for you, that wasn't a rule when we fought.

Eric: Watch yourself. We train soldiers, not rebels.