Top 20 Quotes From Four

Beatrice: Were you a transfer, too? Or Dauntless born?
Four: Are you kidding?
Beatrice: No
Four: What makes you think you can talk to me?
Beatrice: It... Must be because you're so approachable
Four: Careful
Christina: You, my friend, have a death wish

Beatrice: Can I ask you something?
Four: Sure.
Beatrice: What's your tattoo?
Four: You want to see it?
Beatrice: [nods and Four takes off his shirt] Its amazing. The factions. Why do you have all of them?
Four: I don't want to be just one thing. I can't be. I want to be brave, and I want to be selfless, intelligent, and honest and kind. Well, I'm still working on kind.
[smiles and kisses Tris]

Evelyn: Tobias.
Four: Mother.
Caleb: I thought she was dead.
Tris: Me, too.

Four: Congratulations, Mother. You got your war.
Evelyn: I know you wish there was another way.
Four: But there isn't.
Evelyn: I'm the lesser of two evils. Is that it?
Four: You'd better be.

[from trailer]
Four: If you wanna survive, follow me.

[from trailer]
Beatrice: They're gonna kill me.
Four: I'm not gonna let that happen.

Four: They can see your hallucinations on the screen. So, you get past your fears the way a Dauntless would; but do it quickly.
Beatrice: Right. If I'm too good, then they'll kill me and if I'm too slow, then I'll die.
Four: Right. Good luck.

[Repeated line]
Four: Go.

Four: Fear does something strange to people like Al. But not you. Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.

Four: My name's Four.
Christina: Four, like the number?
Four: Exactly, like the number.
Christina: What happened, one through three were taken?
Four: What's your name?
Christina: Christina.
Four: The first lesson you learn from me, if you wanna survive here, is keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?

Four: We're good, you and me.
Tris: [Smiles]
Four: I know nothing else is, but we are.

Four: You alright?
Beatrice: You cut me.
Four: I meant to.
Beatrice: You meant to?
Four: You think he's going to let you off without a scratch? You'd still be standing there if I hadn't hit you.
Beatrice: So am I supposed to thank you?
Four: You're supposed to be smart. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've.

Tris: What are you doing here?
Four: You die, I die.
Peter: Oh. Okay, guys, come on. Let's go, seriously. We can do that later.

Eric: You fight until one of you can't anymore.
Four: Or until one of you concedes.
Eric: A brave man never backs down.
Four: Lucky for you, that wasn't a rule when we fought.

Jack: If you suspected that Jeanine had corrupted Dauntless, why didn't you just leave? Why did you stay?
Four: I wanted to leave. But I fell in love with Tris Prior. And I couldn't leave her.

Eric: You think she's safe now? You're wrong.
Eric: [to Tris] Jeanine's never gonna stop searching for you.
Four: Why? What does she want with her? Tell me.
Eric: Look, all I know is she's exactly what Jeanine needs. She's the perfect subject.
[Four cocks his gun]
Eric: Was that supposed to scare me?
Four: You're responsible for the death of hundreds of people. You know the punishment for that.
Eric: Listen... I've found a way to live with the blood on my hands. But can you?

Tris: I can't let anyone else die because of me.
Four: No one else is gonna die because of you. Tori's gonna find a way to disable the disks...
Tris: And if she doesn't?
Four: Then, then... Then if she doesn't, we figure it out. Together.
Tris: You know I'm just one person. I'm not worth it.
Four: No, you are worth it. You are worth it to me. I love you.

[from trailer]
Four: I know who you are. If you wanna survive, follow me.

Tris: I really don't know how much longer I can do this whole peace and love thing.
Four: It's the Amity way, all right? We're just tring to blend in.

Four: I know you think Caleb is your responsibility, but he made his own choice. You can't protect everyone.
Tris: I can't protect anyone.
Four: Nobody can. Him leaving isn't your fault. None of this is your fault. Johanna was right. You have to forgive yourself.
Tris: Thank you.