The Best Jeanine Quotes

Beatrice: The test should tell us what to do.
Jeanine: You're still free to choose.
Beatrice: But you don't really want that.

Jeanine: Maybe you're not as Dauntless as you think you are.
Beatrice: [injecting Jeanine with serum] No. I'm Divergent. Stop the simulation and wipe the program.

Jeanine: I admire you're willing to die for what you believe; but so am I.

Jeanine: We are all that is left of humanity. The vast wall that encloses this city may protect us from our toxic surroundings, but it is up to us to confront any element that could poison us from within. Because, when you are civilizations last hope, peace is not merely an ideal. It is an obligation. And it is up to all of us to take a stand against its one true enemy, Divergents.

[last lines]
Jeanine: It's been over 200 years. Who knows what's out there?
Evelyn: You'll never find out.
[shoots her]

Jeanine: Do you honestly think the other factions will stand for this?
Evelyn: Because you're so popular?

Jeanine: Don't get me wrong. There's a certain beauty in your resistance - your defiance of categorization. But it's a beauty we can't afford.

[from trailer]
Jeanine: The system removes the threat of anyone exercising their independent will. Divergents threaten that system. It won't be safe until they're removed.

[first lines]
Jeanine: Peace. Long ago, before the Founders established this great city of ours, that word was all but meaningless. An ideal as elusive as a dream. Now, 200 years later, we are, all of us, living proof that peace is indeed attainable. The reason for this is, of course, our Faction System. Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Abnegation. In dividing people according to personality and aptitude, we've created a society in which each faction plays a critical role in maintaining the social order. But this harmony we achieved is now under attack from a small but extremely dangerous group of individuals. We call them Divergents. They are, in essence, the worst of what humanity used to be. Rebellious, defiant, and uncontrollable.

Tris: Stop the suicides or I swear I will shoot him.
[Holds gun up to Peter]
Jeanine: That's okay. You can kill him if you want. We have plenty of guards.
Peter: What?

Jeanine: It's hard to let go. Faction before blood, it's an important ideal, but sometimes difficult to fulfill. It goes against our fundamental human nature. But that's exactly the weakness we need to overcome.
Beatrice: You think that human nature is weakness?

[from trailer]
Jeanine: You're a poor blend of impulses and impurities.

Jeanine: Maybe you're not quite as "Dauntless" as you thought you were.
Beatrice: You're right. I'm "Divergent".
[catches hypo tossed by Four and plunges it into her neck]

Jeanine: Remarkable. Chances of it being you, of all people. Nearly defies the laws of probability.
Tris: As remarkable as the amount of people you've managed to murder.
Jeanine: Dark times call for extreme measures. You may find it hard to believe, but I am serving the greater good.

Jeanine: I want you to choose who you truly are and where you truly belong. Not on a whim. Not because you wish you were someone you're not - but because you honestly know yourself. I want you to choose wisely. And I know you will.

Tris: Say whatever you want to me, Jeanine. But I'm not gonna fight you.
Jeanine: How very Amity of you.
Tris: I mean it. I'm not gonna fight you.
Jeanine: Of course you're not. You're gonna fight her. The one you really hate.
[Tris turns to see herself]

Jeanine: Amazing, isn't it? Everything we think of that makes up a person - thoughts, emotions, history - all wiped away by chemistry.

Jeanine: The faction system is a living being composed of cells, all of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The future belongs to those who know where they belong.

Jeanine: The brilliance of the faction system is that conformity to the faction removes the threat of anyone exercising their independent will. Divergents threaten that system.