The Best Eric Vale Quotes

Launch: Hey! Isn't that against the rules?
World: I'm afraid there's no rule against getting bigger.
Bulma: We left the rules a long time ago.

Yamcha: It looks like we'll be at Master Roshi's island in no time. Oh and Krillin, don't you think we'd better tell Bulma what we're up to?
Krillin: Good idea... Wait, are you saying that I should call her? No way!
Yamcha: Come on Krillin, I'm flying the plane here. Thanks buddy.
Krillin: All right.
[to Trunks]
Krillin: No offence man, your mom's just hard to deal with sometimes.
Trunks: [chuckles] Believe me, I know what you mean.

Trunks: If they set that Android free it will be the end of all of us! Nooooooo!
[Trunks fires a energy blast]

Vegeta: [the metal door is sealed shut] Outta the way, I'll blast it open!
Trunks: Don't do it! We can't beat the Androids without Goku! Stop it! You don't understand how powerful they are!
Vegeta: Too late kid!
[Vegeta fires a energy blast]

Vegeta: Well, well, what have we here that had you all so nervous? A boy with long hair and a scarf around his neck and a beautiful young girl. I take it these are the scary Androids we've heard so much about.
Trunks: That's them.
Krillin: They're Androids? They look just like humans to me.
Trunks: Don't be fooled by the way they look. They're both deadly. And they're stronger then all of us.

[English dub]
Mai: Trunks!
[runs to Trunks]
Future: [fighting Goku Black] What are you doing? I told you to go!
Mai: Stop trying to save me and think! I have to stay here, not you! You're the best chance that we've got, you have to survive!

Android: [Android 18 tries fighting Trunks, but to her surprise, can't land any attacks on him, and Trunks soon hits her hard with a punch that sends her sliding to the ground in front of Android 17] Man, he's changed. I don't know how, but he's good.
Android: [Gets up] Ugh, I hate you!
Trunks: You hate the fact that you're powerless to stop me. That you're completely outmatched. Well imagine feeling the way you do all the time like the people of this planet do. Fools! How do you think my friend Gohan felt when you ganged up on him in the rain and he had no way out? Well, now it's your turn. I hope you enjoy it.

Goku: [about Cyborg Frieza, who Trunks defeated before Goku arrived] His ship gained two hours on me. He was about to hurt the people of this planet. I was about to make my move, but then you showed up.
Trunks: And how were you about to make your move when you were two hours behind?
Goku: Well, with a new technique I learned, I could have been there in seconds.
Trunks: Are you serious?
Goku: Yep, it's called Instant Transmission.
Trunks: You mean time travel?
Goku: No, you de-materialize and travel as a mass of light. You'd be surprised how much ground you could cover going 186000 miles a second.

Chiaotzu: Can anyone he wants enter the competition?
Trunks: He'll take on anyone who challenges him. And he expects to have a battle with each of us... one by one.
Master: Of course. You know what he's trying to do. I do. His plan is to eliminate the competition once and for all.
Yamcha: Well, I kind o' like the idea of another martial arts tournament. I mean, hey. I think I'll dominate.
Puar: Yeah! Lets get 'im!
Yamcha: Yeah!
Oolong: Just make sure you don't get another hand through your stomach.

Trunks: [about the Androids] Stop it! You don't understand how powerful they really are!