Top 30 Quotes From Bulma

Goku: Bulma, what happened? I-It looks like your lips are bleeding!
Bulma: No, it's called lipstick you moron!

[Funimation dub, Bulma is wearing a Playboy costume]
Bulma: Hey, what's this, Easter? This is no outfit, it's a costume! And I look ridiculous in it, Oolong!

[Bulma angrily hits Krillin over the head for sliding off her top]
Bulma: [furiously, takes Krillin by the shirt] Normally, I deplore violence--but in your case I'll make an exception!!
Krillin: I understand you're upset, but there's one thing you must know: I love you!
Bulma: [hits him on the head] Ugh!
Master: [holds his bloody nose] Boy, you've got some nerve for pulling a stunt like that!
Krillin: [in guilt] Forgive me, master, I was just only trying to help Yamcha.
Master: It was reckless!
[then smiles]
Master: And I loved every minute of it.
[Krillin and Roshi laugh]

Bulma: Do you suppose there's a hotel or inn around here?
Oolong: Of course not.
[Bulma looks dismayed. Then she flies into a tantrum, flailing and kicking]
Bulma: No, no! I hate this! I'm hungry! I want a bath! I can't sleep unless I'm in a bed!
Oolong: She doesn't have the greatest personality, does she? Talk about selfish.
Goku: You're one to talk.
[Bulma falls asleep behind a rock. That was fast]

Krillin: Master Roshi, since you and Baba are related, maybe you can put in a good word for us and she can tell our fortune without any more fighting.
Bulma: That's right. Family helps each other out.
Puar: No more fighting sounds fine with me.
Upa: That sounds great.
Goku: Hmm?
Fortune: Are you kidding me? For family, I charge double!
Master: What? You would refuse your own brother?
Fortune: You bet.

Bulma: It's just not the same without him, is it?
Chi: Gosh. You really care for Goku. Hey, I know! How 'bout we trade mates! Vegeta for Goku!
Bulma: Huh?
Chi: Vegeta's not as sweet, but he's certainly more dependable. I think it evens out.
Bulma: Hmm...
Yamcha: Hey, I'm available, ladies! What do ya say, huh?
Chi: We're talking an even trade. We don't want a downgrade.

Puar: [comes back to the gang after checking out the base in shock] Yamcha! The base is deserted!
Master: The entire base? That's unbelievable!
Krillin: Goku, do you think after this, you can show me a few tips?
Goku: It was easy once I got started.
Bulma: [awestruck] I can see the headlines now: 'Evil Army Defeated By Child'!
Launch: [disapprovingly] It's just one army!
[dandelion fluff makes her sneeze in her nice form]
Launch: Huh? Silly goose! How are we gonna have a picnic without any food?
[Everyone looks at her in clueless looks]
Puar: [takes her along] Let's take a walk. I'll fill you in on all the details.

Yamcha: Hey, these clothes are expensive! I'm not jumpin' in there!
Bulma: What kind of lame excuse is that? Just take them off and go in your underwear!
Yamcha: Heh heh heh. See uh... that poses a problem. Uh... I'm not wearing any. Heh...
Bulma: Yeah, right! I bet you're just chickening out! Hmmm... What about you?
Master: Aheh aheh... I'd definitely go if I didn't have this cold. Aheh.
Bulma: The men are scared.
Android: Well, I'm not. But I don't feel like getting wet right now... so no.
Bulma: Least you were honest about it, unlike certain others I know!

Bulma: Why did you bring flowers to a battle anyway, moron?
Oolong: Because it's not a battle. It's a funeral.

Bulma: [in a Playboy bunny costume, furiously] Hey, what's this, Easter? This is no outfit; it's a costume, and I look ridiculous in it, Oolong!

Bulma: Yamcha?
Yamcha: Huh?
Bulma: [sternly] Don't think this means that i'm not mad at you anymore, but this is an emergency. So we can bury the hatchet for now - but just for now!
Yamcha: [nervously, after what happened the last time they saw each other] Uh, okay, Bulma. We'll talk everything out later when we have plenty of time.
Oolong: [cynically] If we make it to later!

Bulma: Oolong, don't you just love Yamcha's ponytail?
Oolong: Huh? Uhh... Why? What do I look like? A hairdresser?

Yamcha: Okay, now do you remember the spell to release him? You know all the words?
Bulma: Of course. I'm not gonna pull a Frieza and screw it up, Yamcha!
Master: Bulma... I think Frieza failed because he wore too many clothes.

[after Yamcha sees Chi-Chi]
Yamcha: [nervously] Listen, this is all just a misunderstanding!
Bulma: [angrily enunciates] Enlighten us.
Yamcha: Bulma, please! It's not what you're thinking! When I met her, she was just a little girl. She was cute in a sisterly sort of way! She looked nothing like the beautiful woman she is today, honest!
[Bulma boils in fury for not being told about this]
Yamcha: [aghast] Oops, I shouldn't have said that.

Maron: Aha ha ha! You middle-aged ladies crack me up!
Bulma: What? Middle...
Chi: Aged ladies?
Bulma: Well, she's a lot older than I am, I'm not middle-aged, she is!
Chi: Well, she's a lot older than I am, I'm not middle-aged, she is!
Bulma: You have some nerve!
Chi: You're older than me and you know it!
Bulma: But I've always been the prettiest one, and you know that!
Chi: You think skimpy clothes make you prettier! Well, think again you bimbo! Grrr...
Bulma: Grrr...

[after Goku made a wish and comes back]
Goku: [shouts in pain] I got to go! That was a long trip! Oh, hurry, hurry!
[Goku undoes his pants and urinates in the lake]
Fortune: [panics] No, you can't do that here! Go find a bush, you animal! People swim in there, you dolt! Think about the poor creatures that live in that water!
Yamcha: [seeing Goku urinate] And he's gonna be famous?
Bulma: Well...

[Bulma opens the capsule to reveal several porno magazines coming out as one lands on Goku]
Goku: Gosh, how sad. These girls must be poor. They can't afford clothes.
Bulma: [angrily loses it] Those girls are not poor, kid!!
Goku: They're not.
Bulma: No, sir, now give me that!
[Bulma snatches the magazine from Goku]
Bulma: [furiously] Isn't there a man on this whole planet with a shred of decency?! Men...are...*animals*!
[Bulma shred up every magazine angrily]

Oolong: [notices Bulma looking around the bathtub] Now what are looking for?
Bulma: Peepholes.
Oolong: Hey, what kind of place do you think I'm running?
Bulma: Well, I wouldn't put it past you!
Oolong: What?
Bulma: [walks away] You little perv!

Bulma: If I get my hand on that Dragonball, the first thing I'm going to do is throw it at Yamcha's head!

Gohan: From what I've seen, I'd say the grown up Trunks is pretty cool.
Bulma: You're right. He is cool, isn't he?
Yajirobe: Hmph. Not that cool.
Bulma: What did you say? How dare you say something like that about my son?

Bulma: What do you think of my new dress?
Launch: It's absolutely stunning!
Master: It certainly fits in all the right places! Is that cashmere? Let me feel.

[a crow flies in the shrine spooking everyone]
Krillin: How'd that crow get in here?
Fortune: [freaks out] That's a bad omen!
Bulma: You mean a bad omen about Goku?
Yamcha: [tries to shoo the crow away] Get our of here! Shoo! Go on!
[Yamcha's shoe laces snap off from the omen signs]
Fortune: Oh, bad l - uh?
[a mirror shatters from another sign as everyone goes worried about Goku]
Fortune: More bad luck?

[after Oolong made his wish to save everyone]
Yamcha: I think that little pervert just saved the world!
Bulma: Maybe he's not such a coward after all!

Launch: Hey! Isn't that against the rules?
World: I'm afraid there's no rule against getting bigger.
Bulma: We left the rules a long time ago.

Videl: You mean your dad's gone? Just like that?
Gohan: Yeah, he has his way of coming and going.
Chi: Uhhh... how could he...?
Bulma: I'm sorry, but Goku's going to have to grow up someday and realize that there's more to life than fighting.
Piccolo: He seemed happy to me, more so than in a long time.

[Bulma is lost and thirsty until sand and water rises out from Frieza's power to scare her]
Bulma: [crying] It's all over. Doomed without any mascara on!
[Bulma screams as the sand and water float around her]
Bulma: [loses it] Why did I even come to this stupid planet to look for those stupid Dragon Balls anyway? Nobody care that I exist! Stupid Krillin! Stupid Gohan! Stupid Goku! I hate you! I hate you all! Oh, I think I broke a nail.

Krillin: Did I hear you say Goku's on his way to the Red Ribbon compound? By himself?
Master: Yup. That's right.
Krillin: What in the world was he thinking?
Bulma: He's obviously not thinking!
Oolong: You can say that again.

Bulma: Where's Maron?
Krillin: Well, things were gettin' complicated so I broke up with her.
Master: Oh, poor guy.
Ox: Ah, it's a darn shame.
Oolong: Well, I don't believe it. I'll bet she dumped him.

Bulma: Well, I guess that proves I'm a genius after all, ay boys? Imagine. Me... building a time machine in the future.

Yamcha: We've now reached cruising altitude.
Oolong: This trip is as far from a cruise as you can get.
Bulma: I don't know why we even bothered to bring him. All he does is think about himself!
Oolong: Why risk my life? Gimme one good reason!
Yamcha: You're going. It's not up for discussion!