The Best Krillin Quotes

Puar: [comes back to the gang after checking out the base in shock] Yamcha! The base is deserted!
Master: The entire base? That's unbelievable!
Krillin: Goku, do you think after this, you can show me a few tips?
Goku: It was easy once I got started.
Bulma: [awestruck] I can see the headlines now: 'Evil Army Defeated By Child'!
Launch: [disapprovingly] It's just one army!
[dandelion fluff makes her sneeze in her nice form]
Launch: Huh? Silly goose! How are we gonna have a picnic without any food?
[Everyone looks at her in clueless looks]
Puar: [takes her along] Let's take a walk. I'll fill you in on all the details.

[on the Nimbus]
Goku: Hey Krillin, look! Do you think Master Roshi would like that lady over there?
Krillin: You mean I have to look down?... Goku, that's a man!
Goku: Really? How can you tell? Gosh, they all look pretty much the same to me.
Krillin: Huh? You're joking, right? I mean you really can't tell the difference?
Goku: Well, usually I can figure it out. I just have to touch them first.
Krillin: Hmm? In case you couldn't tell, I'm a boy!
Goku: Oh...

Krillin: [to Chiaotzu] Gee, your concern for your teammate is touching. What would you do if he got run over by a bus, yawn?

[flying on the Nimbus]
Krillin: Slow down! You know if I lose my grip on you I'll fall through this cloud!
Goku: Well if you would stop thinking bad thoughts, then it wouldn't be a problem!
Krillin: Fat chance!

[Bulma angrily hits Krillin over the head for sliding off her top]
Bulma: [furiously, takes Krillin by the shirt] Normally, I deplore violence--but in your case I'll make an exception!!
Krillin: I understand you're upset, but there's one thing you must know: I love you!
Bulma: [hits him on the head] Ugh!
Master: [holds his bloody nose] Boy, you've got some nerve for pulling a stunt like that!
Krillin: [in guilt] Forgive me, master, I was just only trying to help Yamcha.
Master: It was reckless!
[then smiles]
Master: And I loved every minute of it.
[Krillin and Roshi laugh]

Krillin: Master Roshi, since you and Baba are related, maybe you can put in a good word for us and she can tell our fortune without any more fighting.
Bulma: That's right. Family helps each other out.
Puar: No more fighting sounds fine with me.
Upa: That sounds great.
Goku: Hmm?
Fortune: Are you kidding me? For family, I charge double!
Master: What? You would refuse your own brother?
Fortune: You bet.

Krillin: So who are you anyway, his pupil?
Goku: Yeah, I'm Goku!
Krillin: Hmm, doesn't seem that you like fighting.
Goku: I like marshmallows!
Krillin: What's that gotta do with anything?
Goku: Well, I'm hungry. And your bald head looks like one.
Krillin: What did you say? Didn't you know that everyone who's serious about martial arts shave their head? Look at Master Roshi, he shaves!
Master: Nope, I'm naturally bald.

[a crow flies in the shrine spooking everyone]
Krillin: How'd that crow get in here?
Fortune: [freaks out] That's a bad omen!
Bulma: You mean a bad omen about Goku?
Yamcha: [tries to shoo the crow away] Get our of here! Shoo! Go on!
[Yamcha's shoe laces snap off from the omen signs]
Fortune: Oh, bad l - uh?
[a mirror shatters from another sign as everyone goes worried about Goku]
Fortune: More bad luck?

Krillin: Did I hear you say Goku's on his way to the Red Ribbon compound? By himself?
Master: Yup. That's right.
Krillin: What in the world was he thinking?
Bulma: He's obviously not thinking!
Oolong: You can say that again.

[Goku's tail is grabbed and is being beaten by his masked opponent]
Upa: [sobbing] Won't somebody help him?
Bulma: Cut the dramatics, Roshi. Who is he? Tell us!
Krillin: Who cares about him? Upa's right. We have to save Goku!
Yamcha: Master Roshi?
Master: We have no choice but to watch this play itself out.
Upa,43048: Huh?
Bulma: No!
Puar: Mommy!
Yamcha: Say what? Why?
Master: Because as hard as it is to accept, it isn't our place; the living have no jurisdiction here. The man Goku is fighting, he's not of this world. As impossible as this may sound, that masked man is really Gohan - Goku's deceased grandfather.
[Goku's friends freak out in shock]