The Best Stephanie Nadolny Quotes

Goku: Of all the mean dirty tricks to pull... I can't believe it. Right here at lunchtime!

Puar: [comes back to the gang after checking out the base in shock] Yamcha! The base is deserted!
Master: The entire base? That's unbelievable!
Krillin: Goku, do you think after this, you can show me a few tips?
Goku: It was easy once I got started.
Bulma: [awestruck] I can see the headlines now: 'Evil Army Defeated By Child'!
Launch: [disapprovingly] It's just one army!
[dandelion fluff makes her sneeze in her nice form]
Launch: Huh? Silly goose! How are we gonna have a picnic without any food?
[Everyone looks at her in clueless looks]
Puar: [takes her along] Let's take a walk. I'll fill you in on all the details.

Goku: Quick, untie me!
Launch: [struggling] This rope is so tight!
Master: There's a new invention, it's called a knife!

Shenron: I will wait no longer! Do you have a wish or not?
Krillin: ...Yes, I do! I would like you to change Android 17 and 18 into human beings, so they can live out their lives in peace!
Gohan: Gosh, Krillin...
Shenron: That wish can not be granted now. It is beyond my power to do so.
Android: [watching from afar] What's he doing?
Krillin: Sorry, guys. I had to try.
Yamcha: Hey, look, no prob! The girl's cool! But her boyfriend, I would never wish that guy back! Would you, guys?
Piccolo: Sure, hadn't we already tried? We wished for all of Cell's victims back, right, and he was one of them! Besides, what would Goku do if he were in our shoes?
Yamcha: Right, I see what you mean... All right, you got the floor, bro!
Krillin: Great! I have one more wish! Could you the the explosives out of the androids' bodies? That shouldn't be too hard, right?
Yamcha: Man, Krillin, I hope you know what you're doing...
Shenron: I can.
Krillin: All right!
[a burst of energy occurs]
Shenron: There, it has been done.
Krillin: Thanks! Thanks very much!
Shenron: You're welcome. I must go now.

Chi: Hyaagh! Here I am! Alright you two, I've had it with this Super Saiyan stuff! You've broken both sets of dishes, and three tables! I swear, is it too much to ask to have a normal dinner where we don't smash glasses, and bend silverware, and break all the furniture? Well, is it? I'm waiting!
Goku: No, sorry.
Gohan: I have an idea. Maybe we should use paper plates and cups.
Chi: Yeah? Well think again, kid! Gosh, what a funny sense of humor. Paper cups, and paper plates, you must get that from your mommy. I'll tell you what, Gohan. Since it's your birthday, I'm going to let you off easy. For your punishment, you can help me clean up. As for you Goku, hit the road! Don't call us, we'll call you.
[Chi-Chi opens the door]
Goku: Uh, you want me to leave home?
Chi: Yes! I can't take it anymore, Goku. I need you gone. At least until I finish setting up for Gohan's party. You like to fish, right? Well go catch a fish, or something.

Krillin: Master Roshi, since you and Baba are related, maybe you can put in a good word for us and she can tell our fortune without any more fighting.
Bulma: That's right. Family helps each other out.
Puar: No more fighting sounds fine with me.
Upa: That sounds great.
Goku: Hmm?
Fortune: Are you kidding me? For family, I charge double!
Master: What? You would refuse your own brother?
Fortune: You bet.

[Bulma opens the capsule to reveal several porno magazines coming out as one lands on Goku]
Goku: Gosh, how sad. These girls must be poor. They can't afford clothes.
Bulma: [angrily loses it] Those girls are not poor, kid!!
Goku: They're not.
Bulma: No, sir, now give me that!
[Bulma snatches the magazine from Goku]
Bulma: [furiously] Isn't there a man on this whole planet with a shred of decency?! Men...are...*animals*!
[Bulma shred up every magazine angrily]

Bulma: Do you suppose there's a hotel or inn around here?
Oolong: Of course not.
[Bulma looks dismayed. Then she flies into a tantrum, flailing and kicking]
Bulma: No, no! I hate this! I'm hungry! I want a bath! I can't sleep unless I'm in a bed!
Oolong: She doesn't have the greatest personality, does she? Talk about selfish.
Goku: You're one to talk.
[Bulma falls asleep behind a rock. That was fast]

[flying on the Nimbus]
Krillin: Slow down! You know if I lose my grip on you I'll fall through this cloud!
Goku: Well if you would stop thinking bad thoughts, then it wouldn't be a problem!
Krillin: Fat chance!

Krillin: So who are you anyway, his pupil?
Goku: Yeah, I'm Goku!
Krillin: Hmm, doesn't seem that you like fighting.
Goku: I like marshmallows!
Krillin: What's that gotta do with anything?
Goku: Well, I'm hungry. And your bald head looks like one.
Krillin: What did you say? Didn't you know that everyone who's serious about martial arts shave their head? Look at Master Roshi, he shaves!
Master: Nope, I'm naturally bald.

Gohan: From what I've seen, I'd say the grown up Trunks is pretty cool.
Bulma: You're right. He is cool, isn't he?
Yajirobe: Hmph. Not that cool.
Bulma: What did you say? How dare you say something like that about my son?

Goku: Gohan! It's time! Piccolo is our only chance of bringing the others back to this dimension. Take him to the ship and go!
Gohan: But what about you?
Goku: Don't worry about me now! I know I'm where I need to be!
Gohan: But... if we take the ship... that means you'll be stranded out here with no way home.
Goku: I'm your father. Now listen, Gohan! Just do as I say!
Gohan: Whatever you want, dad.

[Launch wakes up in her mean form and sees that Goku has slept with her]
Goku: Hi!
Launch: [gasps and back away] What're you doing in my bed, you pervert?
Goku: I slept here, sir. We only have two blankets.
Launch: [growls in fury] LAME EXCUSE, YOU LITTLE HEDGEHOG!
[Launch shoots at Goku]
Goku: Launch, what did you do that for?
Launch: Humph, that'll teach you to get under a blanket while it's in MY bed!
[Goku kicks Launch in the face knocking her out cold]
Goku: That's not very nice!

[on the Nimbus]
Goku: Hey Krillin, look! Do you think Master Roshi would like that lady over there?
Krillin: You mean I have to look down?... Goku, that's a man!
Goku: Really? How can you tell? Gosh, they all look pretty much the same to me.
Krillin: Huh? You're joking, right? I mean you really can't tell the difference?
Goku: Well, usually I can figure it out. I just have to touch them first.
Krillin: Hmm? In case you couldn't tell, I'm a boy!
Goku: Oh...

[after Goku made a wish and comes back]
Goku: [shouts in pain] I got to go! That was a long trip! Oh, hurry, hurry!
[Goku undoes his pants and urinates in the lake]
Fortune: [panics] No, you can't do that here! Go find a bush, you animal! People swim in there, you dolt! Think about the poor creatures that live in that water!
Yamcha: [seeing Goku urinate] And he's gonna be famous?
Bulma: Well...

Arale: [introducing Dr Norimaki and his wife Midori] There he is! He's the Doctor!
Goku: [to Midori] Hey there. I mean, hello. How are you?
Midori: Fine. And you?
Arale: [whispers] Goku, over there...
[points at Senbei]
Goku: [to Senbei] Are you his wife?