20 Best Meredith McCoy Quotes

Launch: Well, why don't you put your strength to good use and come work with me. You'll get rich. Just think. With your brawn and my brains, we could pull off some major bank heists. It would be so easy, in no time we'd be living like royalty for sure. 'Cause money does buy happiness. You with me?
Chiaotzu: Tien, lets eat. I'm starving.
Launch: Now that's a good boy! You go ahead and start eatin'. You gotta keep your strength up.
Chiaotzu: Thank you.
Launch: Look Tien. Robbin' banks is the way to go. It's so exciting when you take control. You fire one shot in the air and everybody scatters like mice. So, come on, what do ya say you and I give it a shot? We could be great.
Tien: Chiaotzu, lets go.
Chiaotzu: How come?
Launch: Doesn't he know it's an offer he can't refuse?

Chiaotzu: But Tien, we can't leave here... you know...
Launch: Quiet little man!
Chiaotzu: Aha ha aha ha aha ha...
Launch: Oh, Tien.
Tien: Uh...?
Launch: Don't even think about tryin' ta forget me! I'm gonna follow you wherever you go and I don't care if you go all the way ta Kami's place.

Oolong: I thought I was dead.
Launch: Well if you're disappointed, I can certainly arrange something.
Oolong: No, no! I'm fine!

Goku: WHOA! Watch out, everyone! Android 18 is here!
Android: [sarcastic] Look, he noticed. How cute.
Goku: Someone please tell me she's still not terrorizing the planet!
Krillin: Well, actually, Goku, 18 and I have gotten married.
Goku: You mean you live in the same house as her?
Krillin: That's all part of it. We even had a kid together.
Goku: WHAT? But... but how?
Android: [walks on ahead] Spare me!

Launch: [seeing her friends tied up] Is this a new game? Where'd you get the blue rope?
Bulma: Yeah, it's called staying alive!
Master: Quick, grab the bomb and throw it out of the house!
Launch: Why is there a clock on the floor?
Bulma: That's no clock, it's a highly explosive bomb!
Launch: [holding the bomb] This house was spick and span when I left it. I don't appreciate things being left out.

Launch: That guy sounded cool!

Android: Hey, boneheads! 17 is my twin brother!
Krillin: [embarrassed] Oh, man...
Yamcha: No, this is excellent, you dope! Didn't you hear her, that guy's her twin brother!
Android: I wouldn't celebrate if I were you!
Krillin: Uh...
Android: If you think you won my heart because of that lousy wish, you're mistaken! I didn't ask for your help!... But it was really nice of you.
Krillin: It was...? You... you mean... you're not mad at me?
Android: Not really... no.
Krillin: Well then, would you like to come over and join us?
Android: No, thanks.
[flies off]
Krillin: Aww, man...

Android: [looks at Trunks] I wonder who he is.
Android: Hmph. It doesn't really matter, does it? Whoever he is, he's no threat to us.

Vegeta: [laughs at 18] What's the matter? You look a bit ruffled.
Android: Yes, well. Looks aren't everything. You fight quite well for being such a little man. It's impressive. Even if you are a Saiyan.
Vegeta: I know. There are very few willing to train as intensely as I did to achieve this kind of power.
Android: How sad. To work so hard, for so little.
Vegeta: Sad for YOU!
[attacks 18]

Puar: [comes back to the gang after checking out the base in shock] Yamcha! The base is deserted!
Master: The entire base? That's unbelievable!
Krillin: Goku, do you think after this, you can show me a few tips?
Goku: It was easy once I got started.
Bulma: [awestruck] I can see the headlines now: 'Evil Army Defeated By Child'!
Launch: [disapprovingly] It's just one army!
[dandelion fluff makes her sneeze in her nice form]
Launch: Huh? Silly goose! How are we gonna have a picnic without any food?
[Everyone looks at her in clueless looks]
Puar: [takes her along] Let's take a walk. I'll fill you in on all the details.

Chiaotzu: Whoah Tien, look!
Tien: You made all this yourself?
Launch: What are you, crazy? I hired a bunch o' cooks to do all the work. These guys are the best in the business and they only use the freshest ingredients, right?
Chiaotzu: All this food must've cost a lot.
Launch: Don't worry about it. I just happened to come into a lot o' dough lately.

Goku: Why don't you come to the Other World with me?
Krillin: What? No way, I'm married now bro! This is the good life! Right, babe?
Android: [blushes] Goon.

Launch: You might wanna watch what you say, Krillin. When I sneeze, I change, and terrible things can happen.

Launch: There you are! And you know I been lookin' for ya! You won't get away from me!
Tien: Uh...?
Chiaotzu: Huh?
Launch: Now I want you two ta quit goofin' around and get over here right now!

Bulma: What do you think of my new dress?
Launch: It's absolutely stunning!
Master: It certainly fits in all the right places! Is that cashmere? Let me feel.

Android: [to Roshi] Hey, the plane's settled. You can get up now.
[the crash threw Master Roshi between Android 18's legs]
Master: [blabbering] Hey, thank you so much, my head almost hit the wall, I think you may have saved my life, I was thrown viciously, just like this...
[pushes his head into 18's chest]
Master: [nuzzling] If anyone stopped me with these things it was you, I don't know how I can repay you, I could have cracked my head open, but this is so soft and nice, thank you so much...
[18 grabs his head in a vise grip]
Master: Let go! Please, I was only trying to tell you something!
Android: How to be a lecherous old man?
Master: [grabs her breast] No, I was just trying to show you how these floatation devices saved my life...
[18 spins him away]

Krillin: No... STOP!
Android: And what do you want now?
Krillin: Stop! You guys leave Goku alone! He's sick, he can't fight you now! Goku hasn't done anything to you! Why are you after him?
Android: 16 has been programmed to destroy Goku. So that's what we're going to do.
Krillin: Why? You don't have to do that!
Android: We're only following Dr. Gero's master plan.
Krillin: Just listen to yourselves! Did you forget? Dr. Gero is gone! You took care of that!
Android: Yes, I haven't forgotten about that. But this, friend, is a game.
Krillin: What do you mean? This is just a game? Is that all?
Android: That's right. Yes. And finding Goku is a part of the game. That's why we did not ask you where he is.
Krillin: No! Stop this! I beg of you, please don't go after Goku. Please! You don't have to do this!
Android: No. I am programmed to destroy Goku.
Android: There you go, pal. Now if you'll excuse us, we have work to do. Stop worrying about Goku and take care of your other friends. They look like they could use some senzu beans.
[Android 18 approaches Krillin...]
Android: [kisses Krillin] Good luck. Bye.

Android: I see that you have chosen to become an Android...
Dr. Gero: Yes. Now I have eternal life like you. But we have pressing matters at hand. In the past, the two of you have displayed an unacceptable tendency to disobey my orders. I blame myself for this and the way I programmed you. I have since modified your programming however and I will no longer tolerate insubordination.

[watches the Z-Fighters]
Android: Gosh... they're nice.

Launch: Hey! Isn't that against the rules?
World: I'm afraid there's no rule against getting bigger.
Bulma: We left the rules a long time ago.