The Best Fiendish Dr. Wu Quotes

[after Black Dynamite guns down O'Leary in the warehouse, Fiendish Dr. Wu tries to contact O'Leary on the radio]
Fiendish Dr. Wu: O'Leary... O'Leary, where are you?
[Black Dynamite picks up the radio]
Black: Yeah, who's this?
Fiendish Dr. Wu: [Speaking in Chinese] You know who this is. Fuck you, Black Dynamite!
Black: [Speaking in Chinese] Dr. Wu! You motherfucker! It all makes sense now!
Fiendish Dr. Wu: [Speaking in Chinese] You can't fight us, Dynamite! The Black Man will never be free!
Black: [Speaking in Chinese] I swear on the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, I'm coming to emancipate and proclamate on your ass!
[Black Dynamite slams the radio to the ground and stomps on it]