The Best Gino Conforti Quotes

Felipe: Fooor shame, shame, shame, shame, shame, shame!

Judge: [about the immigrants] Mac, who are these people?
Bhakti: We are the world.

Jack: [a girl has just given jack a few judo flips around the kitchen] Felipe? Why didn't you help out?
Felipe: She didn't need no help.

Asst. D.A. Dan Fielding: Who the hell are you?
Hotel: I'm the hotel manager, sir, with the champaigne you requested.
Asst. D.A. Dan Fielding: Oh, great, you found it.
Hotel: Yes, indeed, though it was a difficult task. After all... Chateau Libido... is not one of our usual brands. Shall I unscrew it for you?

Armond: How much would it be if I paid it all now - cash?
Roy: Gee - I don't know. We make all our money from interest fees and loan charges. If we took money, I think we'd lose money.

Agent: How are you,8 ½?
Agent: [hiding in a bowling ball return] How am I? Terrible! I keep forgetting to duck every time the ball is returning. I've got a bump on the back of my head the size of a bowling ball. Wait a minute, that is a bowling ball
[ducks, letting the bowling ball slide over him]