The Best Grace Beaumont Quotes

Dr. Sam Beckett: Mom, I want you to throw this town the biggest picnic they've ever seen.
Grace: Picnic? Why?
Dr. Sam Beckett: Why? Why? Why, because it always rains on a picnic!

Grace: Ralph's a lot like the country around here. It'll give you sustenance, but it'll darn sure make you work for it.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Doesn't he know how rough that is on Ann?
Grace: I doubt he's ever thought much about it. He figures his life hadn't been easy, why should anyone else's?
Dr. Sam Beckett: Well, maybe because he loves her.
Grace: When did you get to be such an old softy? Yes, he does love her. Do you still?
Dr. Sam Beckett: She's my brother's wife.
Grace: That doesn't quite answer my question, does it?
Dr. Sam Beckett: No, I don't love her. I just want them to be happy.
Grace: Well, you've made me happy. And, if you manage to make it rain, you'll make the town happy. But Ralph... that just might be a bigger miracle than the rain.