The Best Patrick Massett Quotes

Duras: You are a fool. And your challenge can only result in a fool's death.
Lieutenant: It is a good day to die, Duras. And the day is not yet over.

Duras: I'm the only one, Worf - the only one who can prove your innocence. Kill me and you're a traitor forever.
Lieutenant: Then that is how it shall be!

Lieutenant: [to the candidates] What did your investigations reveal about the explosion?
Duras: [impudently] It was a bomb.
Lieutenant: [irritated] And was your analysis just as... INSIGHTFUL?
Gowron: [a little bored] It was a common explosive.
Lieutenant: [sharply] What type?
Gowron: Triceron.
Lieutenant: What about the detonator?
Duras: [fuming] This is pointless! Findings were inconclusive!
Lieutenant: [pointedly] Fortunately, OUR investigation was more THOROUGH! The bomb used a molecular decay detonator!

Duras: This is not your world, Human. You do not command here.
Captain: I'm not here to command.
Duras: Then you must be ready to fight. Something Starfleet does not teach you.
Captain: You may test that assumption at your convenience.

Duras: [the fallen at Khitomer] Those deaths must be avenged.

[Sam has provoked Ralph into a fist fight, to get him to admit his love for Annie]
Ralph: I loved her in second grade before you ever saw her! I loved her in high school when she was sweet on you because you played quarterback.
Ralph: I used to flatten the tires on Daddy's truck so you two couldn't go parking.
[more fighting]
Ralph: And still you, you took her away from me.
[punches Sam]
Dr. Sam Beckett: And she... was... wonderful.
Ralph: And after, after you left town, I still loved her. I'd hug her and I'd kiss her, and I'd look into her eyes, and they'd be hollow and sad, 'cause I just wasn't you, Billy. Damn it to hell, I still loved her. And after I made love to her, and after I'd asked her to marry me, she still wanted you. And I wished to God that I was you. I still love her.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Don't tell me. Tell her.

Duras: [the fallen Klingons at Khitomer] Those deaths must be avenged.

Duras: I have been informed of your attempt to access restricted Council records.
K'Ehleyr: I have been investigating what happened at Khitomer. Not at all an easy task, considering that most of the records are sealed.
Duras: Worf's father was a traitor!
K'Ehleyr: No. The evidence was altered to make it appear that way. I found it interesting to read that your father was also at Khitomer, and you are the one who sealed the records.
Duras: You dare insult my father's name?
K'Ehleyr: Don't play the wounded Klingon for me, Duras. You don't do it very well. What happened in that Council chamber? How did you get Worf to take the blame for you?
Duras: Do not pursue this matter further!
K'Ehleyr: The son betrays his people to the Romulans, just as his father did - Duras.

Ralph: Let me make it simple for you. Things are damn tough here in Clover Bend. But the folks, well, we're tough too. We can take just about anything the good Lord dishes out, so long as we look it square in the eye. You get my meaning?
Dr. Sam Beckett: [as Billy] So you don't want me raisin' false hopes with all this rain talk. Is that it?
Ralph: The drought's dried up a lot more than soil around here, Billy. It's dried up a lot of soul, most of 'em, and it ain't gonna take a whole lot of your hot air to blow us all away.

Duras: I have no reluctance to kill you, Human.

Duras: You claim a birthright you have forsaken.
Lieutenant: I have not forsaken my heritage. I am Klingon. My heart is of this world. My blood is as yours.
Duras: Yet you come here in a child's uniform and you bring outsiders to our great halls.
Captain: I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise.
Duras: Your words have no place here, human.
K'mpec: Duras. Let him speak.
Captain: Lt. Worf has served under my command with distinction. He has earned my admiration and my respect. It is my greatest wish that this council, in its wisdom, will clear his family name and return him to duty.
K'mpec: The trust of a commanding officer is admirable and is noted.

Captain: We will begin the ja'chuq.
Gowron: [incredulous] What?
Duras: This woman has been giving you bad advice, Picard! The ja'chuq is obsolete.
Captain: It is my choice to respect the ancient rituals. Each of you will have to prove your worthiness to lead the High Council.
Gowron: That will take hours.
K'Ehleyr: Or days - depending on your cooperation.

Duras: It was a wise choice to hide your family name. Do not err now by embracing it again, for you only embrace death.
Kurn: We shall see.
Duras: Worf has made a choice and he will die for it. But you can still be safe. Let him stand alone.
Kurn: He is my brother. I will not betray him!
Duras: Then you will die for him!