The Best K'Ehleyr Quotes

Lieutenant: [referring to his dishonor] Respect my wishes in this matter. I cannot take the oath with you. Nor can I claim your son.
K'Ehleyr: If you cannot be his father... at least be his friend.

[K'Ehleyr works in the tactical room when Worf and Data enter]
K'Ehleyr: An android chaperone?
Lt. Commander Data: Android, of course, is correct, but... I fail to see how 'chaperone' is applicable to this situation.
K'Ehleyr: Never mind.

Lieutenant: I've noted that some people use humor as a shield. They talk much, yet say little.
K'Ehleyr: Whereas others take a simpler approach. Say nothing.
Lieutenant: When one does not have the words...
K'Ehleyr: Or is loath to speak them...

Lieutenant: You should not have kept *this* from me!
K'Ehleyr: Well... now you know.

Duras: I have been informed of your attempt to access restricted Council records.
K'Ehleyr: I have been investigating what happened at Khitomer. Not at all an easy task, considering that most of the records are sealed.
Duras: Worf's father was a traitor!
K'Ehleyr: No. The evidence was altered to make it appear that way. I found it interesting to read that your father was also at Khitomer, and you are the one who sealed the records.
Duras: You dare insult my father's name?
K'Ehleyr: Don't play the wounded Klingon for me, Duras. You don't do it very well. What happened in that Council chamber? How did you get Worf to take the blame for you?
Duras: Do not pursue this matter further!
K'Ehleyr: The son betrays his people to the Romulans, just as his father did - Duras.

Lieutenant: You are late.
K'Ehleyr: Sorry. Had to make myself beautiful.
Lieutenant: I fail to understand why.
K'Ehleyr: Worf, we're alone now. You don't have to act like a Klingon glacier. I don't bite. Well, that's wrong. I *do* bite.

[after Worf has temporarily played "Captain" of the Enterprise]
Commander William T. Riker: How did you like command?
Lieutenant: Comfortable chair.
K'Ehleyr: And you wore it well.

K'Ehleyr: I will *not* take the oath!
Lieutenant: Then this night had no meaning! And *that* I will not believe.
K'Ehleyr: Believe what you will.

Gowron: Have you never wondered about serving the Klingon Empire?
K'Ehleyr: I serve in my own way.
Gowron: As a Federation ambassador. A few rewards - but little glory.
K'Ehleyr: What do you want?
Gowron: What do YOU want? Command of a ship? A seat on the Council? There are many opportunities for you in the Empire.
K'Ehleyr: Opportunities that will present themselves only if YOU come to power. You talk like a Ferengi.
Gowron: K'mpec was also stubborn; he, too, refused to listen. *Now*... he is gone. You need not make the same mistake.
K'Ehleyr: K'mpec was old and weak! I am not!

K'Ehleyr: [having dispatched Worf's exercise program] It's not much of a program.
Lieutenant: [gives her a look] Computer... level two.

Counselor: I find the exercise programs on the holodeck rigorous enough to take my mind off most frustrations.
K'Ehleyr: And it'll keep me from wrecking the ship.
Counselor: That too.

K'Ehleyr: The Klingon Empire is at a critical juncture. We may be facing civil war.
Commander William T. Riker: War over what?
K'Ehleyr: The usual excuses: tradition, duty, honor...
Lt. Commander Data: The word "excuses" implies alternative reasons for a conflict.
K'Ehleyr: I won't bore you with the intricacies of Klingon politics. Suffice it to say, two factions are trying to seize power.

[after being intimate with K'Ehleyr, Worf initiates a formal Klingon oath of marriage]
K'Ehleyr: Wait. You can't mean...
Lieutenant: We are mated.
K'Ehleyr: Yes, I know! I was there!

K'Ehleyr: Damn you, Worf! You'd let me go without saying another word, wouldn't you?
Lieutenant: What needs to be said?
K'Ehleyr: Nothing. Everything.

K'Ehleyr: [to Worf] Not even a bite on the cheek, for old times' sake?

K'Ehleyr: Were you concerned about me?
Lieutenant: As Head of Security, it is my duty to be... concerned.
K'Ehleyr: Is that it? Just "official" concern for my well-being?

K'Ehleyr: Poor android. Whose behavior do you find more perplexing - Human... or Klingon?
Lt. Commander Data: At the moment... I would find it difficult to choose.
K'Ehleyr: So would I.

K'Ehleyr: A few minutes ago, you looked like someone with a question to ask.
Lieutenant: Must I ask the question?
K'Ehleyr: Yes. You must.

[in an outburst of rage, K'Ehleyr has smashed a glass table to pieces, when Troi enters her quarters]
Counselor: You're upset.
K'Ehleyr: Your finely honed Betazoid sense tell you that?
Counselor: Well - that, and the table.

Captain: We will begin the ja'chuq.
Gowron: [incredulous] What?
Duras: This woman has been giving you bad advice, Picard! The ja'chuq is obsolete.
Captain: It is my choice to respect the ancient rituals. Each of you will have to prove your worthiness to lead the High Council.
Gowron: That will take hours.
K'Ehleyr: Or days - depending on your cooperation.

K'Ehleyr: Whoever said getting there was half the fun never rode in a class 8 probe.

Lieutenant: [of Alexander] He knows nothing of our ways!
K'Ehleyr: *Our* ways? You mean Klingon ways, don't you?
Lieutenant: He *is* Klingon!
K'Ehleyr: He is also my son and I am half Human. He will find his own ways. Why the sudden concern? You won't even acknowledge that he's yours.

K'Ehleyr: Tell me one thing. You would have gone through with the oath, wouldn't you? Regardless of the consequences to our careers, to our lives.
Lieutenant: Honor demanded no less.
K'Ehleyr: What do you want? Is honor all you care about? Don't you *feel* anything else?

Lieutenant: There are always options!
K'Ehleyr: Oh, are there? Tell me, whatever happened to that wonderful Klingon fatalism of yours?
Lieutenant: My experiences aboard this ship have taught me most problems have more than one solution!
K'Ehleyr: Starfleet hasn't improved you one bit. You're as stubborn as ever.

K'Ehleyr: I hid the truth from you. Last night did have meaning. I was tempted to take the oath with you. It scared me. I've never had such strong feelings toward anyone.
Lieutenant: Nor have I.
K'Ehleyr: Then it *was* more than just a point of honor. Maybe someday, when our paths cross again... I won't be so easy to get rid of.

K'Ehleyr: Sometimes, I feel there's a monster inside of me, fighting to get out.
Counselor: And it frightens you?
K'Ehleyr: Of course, it does. My Klingon side can be... terrifying - even to me.
Counselor: It gives you strength. It's a part of you.
K'Ehleyr: That doesn't mean I have to like it.

- Only k'mpec, the head of the council, has been able to maintain the peace.
- Now something has changed that.
K'Ehleyr: Correct.
- K'mpec is dying.
- He is aboard the cruiser.
- He has come specifically to meet with you, captain.
- Alone.